Eye Contact

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"As you all know, we are sending our students on an internship this year to different companies." said the announcer. Everyone started cheering except Carina. The anchor then proceeded to give the names of the different companies that were helping them in this idea.

They had called the CEO's of all those companies to their college too. All of the cheering suddenly stopped. Carina, who was looking down the entire time, looked up to see what the commotion was about. On stage, she saw............Victor Collins!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big round of applause for Mr. Victor Collins, the CEO of Collins Enterprises!" the announcer said. Everyone did clap, but with a slight fear in their hearts. Carina on the other hand, had absolutely no idea what was going on.

She didn't know about Victor. She was way too into books and herself to keep track of the outside world. To her Victor was just another CEO. "Mia, what's wrong? Why do you look so worried?" she asked.

Mia looked at her innocent friend. Sometimes she felt bad for Carina. Carina was way too pure for this world and its cruelty. "Nothing. Just know, you don't wanna work with that man." Mia replied pointing towards Victor. Carina looked at Victor.

She couldn't see what was wrong in him. But she trusted her friend and her decision. So she decided not to question it. As she was looking at him, her eyes met with Victor's. It was like she was frozen. Like he had captured her just by looking at her.

She felt something in her stomach; something she had never felt. Victor's blueish green eyes were doing something to her. She broke eye contact thinking it was her nervousness. Little did she know about the role those eyes were going to play in her life.


It was night now. Victor was still in his office. It was late. But Victor did not want to go back home. He wasn't working either. All he could think of were those beautiful hazel eyes he had spotted in the crowd. Those hazel eyes, which looked at him with curiosity instead of fear. Those hazel eyes which mesmerized him at first sight.

But at the same time, left him confused too. Why did those eyes look at him with no scared expression? Victor knew the power he had. And he loved when everywhere he looked people avoided eye contact with him. It gave him a weird satisfaction.

But these eyes, they were different. There wasn't any sign of fear in them. Just the slight nervousness of seeing new people.

"Chase!" Victor shouted. Chase, his bodyguard who always used to stand outside his cabin came running in. "Yes sir?" he said. Chase was the only person who could talk to Victor without stuttering. In the past years, these two had gotten familiar with each other.

"Chase, get me the name and photo of all girls in Sky Heights University who are in their last year and have hazel eyes." Victor said. Chase raised a brow in his mind. Victor had never asked for something like this. But he knew better than to question him.

"Yes sir" he said and headed out. Victor picked up his cigarette. He was determined to find those hazel eyes again. He was determined to see his fear in those eyes. Oh how badly he wanted those to eyes to beg for him. An evil smirk came up on Victor's face thinking about this. 

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