Wrapped Around Her Finger

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Melissa hesitantly knocked on Victor's office door. He had just lost the deal, and he was mad.

Dealing with an enraged Victor Collins was like walking into a death trap. On top of that, she was here to ask him for a leave.

"What!" Victor's irritated voice came. "I-I need to t-talk to you about s-something sir" Melissa stuttered.

Victor let out a deep breath before saying 'come in'. Melissa walked in on shaking legs and stood right in front of him.

"I-I need a l-leave sir" she said. "For what?" he asked. It was Chase's birthday, and she wanted to surprise him.

"P-personal r-reasons sir" she answered. "When?" he asked. "Day after tomorrow. J-just for a day" she said.

Victor stood up from his chair. He walked towards Melissa and pushed her on a chair.

This way, he seemed a lot more scary and intimidating to her. "Give me a reason" he dangerously said.

Melissa closed her eyes out of fear. She knew Victor wouldn't try anything with her, but his aura was scary.

And that caused her heart to beat faster than ever.

"I-It's alright. I-I'll get s-someone else to do it. N-No need for a h-holiday" she whispered out.

"Melissa" he got dangerously close to her, "Are you hiding something from me?" he asked, his voice deep.

Melissa didn't know how to answer. Chase had told her what Victor did with Carina and Nathan when they lied.

So she didn't want to lie to him. But how could she say yes? She was stuck.

"Answer me!" Victor's voice echoed in the room. "S-sorry" she sobbed out.

This was the first time Melissa was so scared that she had actually cried in front of Victor.

"Why are you crying? You've never done that before" Victor said as he gently wiped her tears away.

"P-please. I-I don't want to end up like Carina. Please don't s-shoot" she cried. Victor smirked at that.

That was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"How'd you know what I did with Carina?" he asked. Melissa's eyes snapped open at that. Shit!

She was actually stuck now. "Lied to me, didn't you?" Victor said as he walked back to his chair.

Melissa looked down, unable to see in his eyes. "I'm sorry" she muttered.

"You're fired" Victor said as he threw the termination letter at Melissa. Her eyes widened at that.

She knew what Victor meant when he said 'you're fired'. You'd walk out of this office in one piece, but you'd reach a hospital before home.

Also, Victor knew how to ruin one's career. Melissa knew he would make sure that she didn't get a job anywhere nearby.

She'd have to change countries. Or worse, he could just straight up spread bad word about her in the market so no one would hire her.

"No please! I'm begging you!" she stood up from the chair. "You may leave now" Victor said as he opened his laptop.

Tears fell faster than a waterfall from Melissa's eyes. "Sir please. I'll do anything, but please don't sack me" she cried.

Victor rolled his eyes. "Go away Melissa. You know tears don't affect me" he said.

He stood up to grab a book from the shelf as Melissa just stood there.

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