No Power, No Control

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Dylan walked into the kitchen with a hand rubbing his sleepy eyes. "You seem sleepy" Felix commented as he yawned.

"Ha ha, very funny" Dylan made a sarcastic comment. "We should've booked soundproof rooms" he said while grabbing a glass of water.

"Morning" Victor walked in with his hands in his pocket and a huge grin. "Yup, definitely" Felix agreed with Dylan.

"Definitely what?" Victor asked. The other two boys just shook their heads and diverted the topic.

Not long later, Carina joined them. "What's for breakfast? It smells delicious" she commented.

"You're not full?" Dylan asked, showing fake shock. Carina looked at him in confusion.

"Damn girl! How much can you consume?" Felix added. Carina still didn't know what was happening, but Victor wasn't so naive.

"It's pancakes and oatmeal for breakfast darling" he said as he kissed Carina on the cheek. Carina muttered a small 'okay' and sat down.

"Carina, you sure you're not overeating?" Dylan asked. "Boys, stop it" Victor sternly said.

"Overeating? I haven't eaten since yesterday evening" Carina said. "But I thought you had a full meal last night?" Felix said.

That received him a glare from Victor. "What did you tell them we ate?" Carina asked Victor.

"Ignore them mi amore" Victor said, giving a death glare to his friends. "But I wanna know" Carina insisted.

Victor sighed. He knew Carina wouldn't let it go this easily. "Go ahead then. Tell her" Victor motioned to his friends.

"Oh I just thought you had a meal coz..." Felix pretended to trail off. "Because what?" Carina asked, all serious now.

"Sir please, let me taste you. Please fill this bratty mouth with your juices to shut it up. I need it, please" Dylan mocked.

Immediate heat crawled up on Carina's cheeks as she realized what was going on.

Her hands didn't wait a second before going up to cover her face. She heard the boys chuckling and felt her cheeks burn even more.

"I told you this one was a slut" Victor laughed out.

"Victorrr!" Carina whined as she climbed onto Victor's lap and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Do you guys realize how loud you are? Like, fuck my last night's sleep. That is, if you could even call it that" Dylan said, causing Carina to feel more embarrassed.

They heard everything. The realization was embarrassing to her. She shifted her position and got more closer to Victor.

Carina shifted once again, only to hear Victor groan. "And I thought you were still sore" Victor said while yanking her head back using her hair.

Those intimidating greenish blue eyes held nothing but lust at the moment. Lust that was making Carina beyond wet.

"Are you not wearing panties babygirl?" Victor asked as his finger slowly traced Carina's inner thighs.

Only then did she realize that she was sitting there in only Victor's large oversized shirt.

No bra, no panties. And the shirt was white, leaving her boobs on full display.

"Victor!" Carina breathed out as Victor's hand lightly grazed her folds.

"Still so sensitive" Victor mumbled against Carina's neck before harshly sucking on it.

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