His Angel, Her Devil

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Victor was angry. Really angry. And Carina was scared. Being trapped on a flight for 6 hours with an angry Victor Collins is not something you want.

"What do you mean he cancelled the deal?!" Victor screamed in his phone making Carina shiver in fear.

"I don't care! If I lose this deal, you'll lose your job" Victor said before cutting the call. "I swear I'm gonna kill someone right now" Victor muttered under his breath.

But Carina heard it. There wasn't anyone else on the plane, except the airhostess. But Victor's first choice would always be Carina. She knew that.

So the only person he would hurt right now would be her. And he said he wants to kill someone. Carina gulped as Victor made eye contact with her.

"Anna!" Victor called out to the airhostess. She came running. "How long before we take off?" Victor asked Anna still looking at Carina. "10 minutes sir" she answered.

"Leave the flight" Victor ordered. Anna was confused. "W-what?" she asked. "Take another flight and come back to New York. I'll pay for it. Now leave!" he shouted.

Hesitantly, Anna left. Carina looked around. Now the only people in the flight were her and Victor. Just then, the pilots walked in. On seeing Anna walk out, they were confused.

The pilots were old college friends of Victor. They were the closest and only ones Victor had. They treated each other like brothers.

The thing was, Victor also wanted to become a pilot, but something happened that didn't let him. And eventually he became the ruthless business tycoon that ruled the world of business.

"Victor" one of the pilots called grabbing both Carina and Victor's attention. "Dylan" Victor said acknowledging his presence. "Why did Anna just leave?" he asked.

"Because I wanted her to" Victor replied. "Come on Victor. Give us an actual reason" the other pilot, whose name tag read Felix said.

Victor looked at Carina, driving the attention of his 2 friends to her too. "I thought I'd have some fun" Victor said, smirking. Carina gripped her bag closer to her chest.

"Victor" Dylan started but stopped immediately on seeing the dark look in Victor's eyes. "Are you mad about something?" Felix asked. "Yes. I might have just lost a 2 million dollar deal" Victor confessed.

Both the pilots sighed before looking at Carina, who was clearly scared. "She hasn't done anything to make you lose that deal" Felix said before walking to the cockpit.

"Speak or leave" Victor spat at Dylan who just stood there. "Just.....control" Dylan said walking away. Carina couldn't believe what just happened.

Those two just left her here alone with Victor knowing damn well he is mad. They just asked him to control himself? Carina was disappointed. Victor looked her way.

"What? You thought they'd help?" Victor asked. Carina bowed her head not wanting to look at him. He walked to her and grabbed her jaw making her look at him.

"You need to understand tesoro, if I want to do something, no one can stop me" he said dangerously.

"Besides, those two are like my brothers. If anything, they'd be glad to help me. What do you say? Triple fun?" he smirked.

Carina stiffened hearing his words. Triple fun? Surely he couldn't mean what she was thinking right? As if reading her mind Victor said "I mean exactly what you think mi amore."

Victor released her jaw and she backed away, falling into the seat. Victor chuckled before bending down and trapping her by putting his arms on both sides of her on the seat.

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