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Victor stood outside the ward's door, contemplating his options. He could either go in there and talk to Violet after 7 years.

Or he could just never meet her again and leave this instant. Both the options seemed to be extreme for him.

He couldn't let her go, he loved her more than himself. But at the same time, how was he suppose to look in her eyes after everything he had done?

She probably hates him. No, she definitely hates him. She had even said it.

"Victor" Carina's soothing voice got him out of his heartbreaking thoughts.

"You're overthinking my love, just go in" she said. Victor raised his trembling hand towards the door knob.

But he couldn't find the courage to twist it.

"Why would she even want to see me after all I've done? I'm the reason she lays here in the hospital right now, the reason she's missed 7 years of her life" Victor said as he pulled his hand away from the knob.

Dylan placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're also the only reason she fought for 7 years and came back" he said.

It was true. Violet didn't have anybody. Yes she had friends, but were they that close that her body would fight for years just to see them?


That kind of relationship was only between her and her brother. "You want us to go in first?" Felix asked.

Victor was about to say yes but Carina spoke first.

"No. I don't think it's a good idea for anyone other than Victor to be the first one to see her" she said.

"Carina I can't!" he tried to reason with her. Carina slowly twisted the door knob and opened it, all while keeping Victor trapped under her gaze.

She knew Victor wouldn't walk in himself. So she did what she had to do.

She smiled at him while saying, "Yes you can. Now go." Carina pushed Victor inside the room and immediately shut the door from behind.

"You're cruel" Dylan commented. "I'm not. I'm just trying to resolve matter between 2 people who love each other" she said.


Victor was surprised and shocked as he stumbled into the room.

Never in a million years did he imagine Carina to do something as such.

That calls for a punishment beautiful, just wait until I get out of here, he spoke to himself.

"Victor" the voice was timid, almost inaudible. But there was no doubt in Victor's mind as to who the voice belonged to.

He slowly turned around to face the source of the voice.

The two just stared at each other until Victor felt his vision getting blurry.

He lost all self control as the first tear rolled down his cheek. Running towards her, Victor threw himself on Violet.

His arms held her so tight, as if he was making sure she wouldn't go anywhere any time soon.

He couldn't stop it as he sobbed on his sister's shoulder. This was home for him. He had finally found peace.

"Please don't hate me. I'm sorry" he sobbed as he tightened his grip.

Violet tried pushing him away so that they could talk, but she didn't have much strength as compared to him.

"Y-You're crushing me" she managed to get out. Victor immediately let go and looked at her with concern.

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