He Scares Me

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Currently, Carina was in the bathroom crying her eyes out to Mia on the phone. "He scares me Mia. He scares me so much" she sobbed. Mia couldn't do anything. She knew this would happen. She was expecting a sobbing Carina to call her.

Mia thought she was ready to hear her best friend cry, but as soon as she heard Carina's terrified voice, her heart broke. It hasn't even been a day and Victor's already done this to her.

"Calm down Carina. Do you want me to pick you up? Me and Ashton have a break in half an hour. We can come there." Mia said. "N-no, don't come here. Victor said he doesn't like distractions during work. He'll get m-mad if he sees you here" Carina replied.

Ashton saw Mia's eyes get wet while talking to Carina on the phone. He knew Carina was crying, he could hear her through the phone. Ashton's heart pained seeing Mia like this.

He felt sorry for the girl on the other side of the phone too. What was Carina saying to Mia that made Mia cry? he thought. He walked towards Mia and hugged her from the back.

Initially she flinched and tried to pull away, but relaxed once she saw it was Ashton. "Yeah okay, I also have to go. Bye Carina. Be strong" Mia said while cutting the call.

She immediately buried her head on Ashton's chest and started crying loudly. She hated seeing Carina so weak and vulnerable. "Shh. Its okay. Everything's okay. You're fine. Carina's fine. Don't cry Mia. It will be okay" Ashton tried comforting her.


Carina stepped out of the bathroom with red puffy eyes. Nathan was waiting for her. He knew at first sight she was sobbing. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked her. She nodded.

He put a finger under her chin and made her look up. "I'm so sorry Carina. I wanted to say something when Victor asked you to apologize. But I couldn't go against his order and anger him" Nathan said with guilt in his eyes.

"It's alright Nathan. I know you wanted to help" she said in understanding. Both of them stared at each for a while before Nathan spoke up. "We should go before Victor gets angry". Carina nodded.


Victor was in his office watching Nathan and Carina through the CCTV cameras. He didn't like how Nathan was holding her chin. He got even more pissed off when he saw them staring into each other's eyes. Then he saw Nathan hold her hand and guide her through the corridors.

He shut his laptop in anger, making a loud sound. Someone knocked on the door, it was Chase. "Sir, the two students from –" "Yeah I know. Send them in." Chase nodded before closing the door.

In walked Nathan with a small figure behind him. Victor despised how Carina was using Nathan to hide herself. He wanted to see her. "Sit" he ordered. Both of them sat opposite to Victor.

There were 3 chairs opposite to Victor's chair. Nathan took the middle one and Carina took the one on the left. She held Nathan's hand for comfort. But Victor didn't like this.

"Mr. Byers, I would like to see the middle chair empty" Victor said, or more like demanded. Hesitantly, Nathan shifted to the far right chair. Carina gripped the chair handles tightly for comfort. Victor had a smile of victory after separating the two.

"So, Ms. Romanov, tell me more about yourself." Victor said leaning back on his chair. Carina looked up from her lap but couldn't speak while looking into Victor's eyes.

She changed her sight to the glass pyramid on the desk. "W-what do you w-want to know sir?" she said not knowing how to answer the question. Victor smirked.

He wanted to know her breast size. The color of her panties. Her favorite sex position. "Your abilities Ms. Romanov" he said knowing damn well he wasn't talking about her work abilities.

"I-I am g-good at an-analyzing sir" she said. Carina bit her lip due to nervousness. This got Victor hard. Now he was horny AF. He wondered if she had analyzed him too.

Carina looked towards Nathan breaking Victor out of his thoughts and realizing Nathan was there too. He huffed. "And what about you Mr. Byers?" he asked just for formality.

The entire time throughout the conversation between the three, Victor's eyes were only on Carina. Carina on the other hand, kept stealing glances of Nathan, who always responded back with a comforting smile.

Victor made a mental note to never give Carina and Nathan the same work. "We have some rules in this company you 2 need to follow" Victor said looking at Nathan knowing Carina wouldn't reply. Nathan nodded as a sign for Victor to continue.

"One, never be late to work."

"Two, never do anything without permission."

"Three, never lie to me."

"Four, no phone calls are to be answered unless someone is dying."

"Five, you will never speak out of permission."

"Six, you always have to be available."

"Seven, always dress professional until asked not to."

"Eight, never submit your work late."

"Nine, never raise your voice at me, always address me as sir."

"And ten, you will always say yes to me with no questions asked."

Carina and Nathan looked at each other. They both felt like they were in a prison not an office. "Are we g-getting p-paid sir?" Nathan asked. "Yes. 20K each for half the year. But if you make mistakes, your salary will get cut" Victor answered.

"Now, I need to talk to you both one at a time" he said sternly. Carina immediately looked up. She turned towards Nathan indicating to him that she didn't want this.

"S-sir, we've told you everything ab-about ourselves. There isn't any n-need for a one on one con–" Nathan tried to speak for Carina but was cut off by Victor. "Have you already forgotten rule number 10 Mr. Byers? You will always say yes to me" Victor stated in a voice that made Carina tremble.

"On that note, Ms. Romanov, please wait outside as I show Mr. Byers all the things that are still remaining in our conversation" Victor said giving Nathan a killer stare. If looks could kill, Nathan would be dead by now. 

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