The First Meet

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Carina and Nathan were now standing outside the building of Collins Enterprises. All of a sudden Carina's heart started increasing its pace. Nathan noticed it and took Carina's hand in his own.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine okay? Relax" he said in a very soothing tone while gently rubbing Carina's knuckles. She immediately felt a little bit better. "Yeah, it's gonna be fine" Carina said to herself.

She looked at Nathan and gave him a smile indicating that she was fine. They both walked into the huge building. They were greeted by a huge glass chandelier that left Carina too stunned to speak.

"Good evening. I'm Nathan Byers and this is Carina Romanov. We come from Sky Heights University for our internship" Nathan started talking with the receptionist.

Carina on the other hand was too intrigued by the beautiful interior design of the place. The entire building screamed power and money. She had never seen something as such.

"Carina you there?" Nathan broke her out of her trance. She turned around to look at him. "You good?" he asked. She nodded. "Okay well, we are supposed to meet someone named Melissa Maddox on the 14th floor. Let's get going" Nathan said.

She nodded and followed Nathan into the elevator. "Hey, before we step out, I would like to warn you. Do not mess with Victor Collins' temper. Apparently, he's got a really bad one" Nathan said in a serious tone. Carina nodded at him.

They stepped out of the elevator. Unlike the other floors, this one had a dark aura to it. It felt like a secluded place where no one usually came. They saw a lady sitting at a desk. The only lady on the floor. 

"Hello, my name's Nathan Byers and I'm here for the internship with my partner" Nathan introduced himself to the lady

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"Hello, my name's Nathan Byers and I'm here for the internship with my partner" Nathan introduced himself to the lady. "Hi, I'm Melissa Maddox, Mr. Collins' personal assistant. Just give me a second." Melissa said.

Carina watched as she picked up the phone and told Victor about her and Nathan's arrival. Melissa put the phone down and smiled at the two guests in front of her. "This way please" she motioned with her hands asking them to follow her.

Carina and Nathan followed her until they reached a big black door. Carina saw Chase standing outside with his guns. This frightened her a little. But she brushed it off thinking that a multi-billionaire would definitely need some protection.

Chase checked Carina and Nathan thoroughly before allowing them inside. "You will be going alone from here" Melissa said. Nathan thanked her as Carina saw her leave.

They opened the gate and slowly entered inside. Instantly, Carina felt something. She didn't want to be here anymore. She wanted to run away. She wanted to hide in her blankets.

Nathan noticed the change in her breathing and took her hand in his. She looked at him. Mia had told Nathan everything about Carina and her life. She had even told Nathan how Carina feared meeting new people.

Now Nathan could see it with his own eyes. Nathan gave Carina an assuring look telling her that he was there for her. Suddenly, they heard someone clearing their throat.

Victor, who was earlier facing the window, had now turned around and was looking at Nathan like it was Nathan's last day on earth. He didn't like the fact that Nathan was holding Carina's hand.

Why? Victor didn't have an answer for that. He just didn't want Nathan touching Carina. Nathan immediately let go of Carina's hand.

"G-good afternoon sir. I'm N-Nathan Byers and this is-" Victor cut Nathan off by raising his hand. "I would like the young lady to talk for herself" he said. Carina looked at Nathan who blinked his eyes telling her to speak.

"I-I'm Ca-Carina Ro-Romanov" she stuttered. Victor eyed her up and down. He noticed her silver curls that were swaying slowly due to the air coming in through the window.

He noticed her white skirt that perfectly defined her lower curve. He saw her slightly unbuttoned at the top beige shirt. He wanted her to open just a few more buttons down to her cleavage.

He noticed her long beautiful fingers rubbing over each other due to her anxiousness. Oh how badly he wanted to take her right there and then on his office table. Victor's thoughts were interrupted by Nathan's voice "We are here f-for our internship sir."

For the second time, he gave Nathan a death glare. Victor stood up from his chair as Nathan lowered his eyes. He walked towards Nathan and stopped right in front of him. Even though Nathan was tall, Victor was taller.

Carina looked like a small barbie doll compared to the 2 men standing right beside her. "I do not like when people speak without permission Mr. Byers." Victor said in a deep voice. "S-sorry sir" Nathan stuttered.

"Ms. Romanov, look at me" Victor ordered. His deep dark voice was sending shivers down Carina's spine. When Carina didn't obey, Victor's blood boiled. How dare she not obey THE Victor Collins?

Victor wanted to look at those eyes that he had seen that day in the auditorium. Those hazel, curious eyes that showed no sign of fright in them. Victor walked towards Carina and stood right in front of her. He towered over her.

"I told you to do something Carina" he said in a dangerous tone. Carina immediately looked up. Biggest mistake of her life. As soon as her eyes met with Victor's, she froze. Once again.

She once again felt something in her stomach but more intense this time. Victor on the other hand, knew exactly what had happened. He saw the fear he always wanted to see in those hazel eyes of hers.

He smirked seeing his effect on her. Carina's breathing started to get faster as she looked up at the 6'3 man standing in front of her. Nathan wanted to say something seeing Carina's condition but he feared going against Victor's orders of not speaking without permission.

"When you do not obey orders, you apologize Ms. Romanov" Victor said sternly. Carina just stared at him dumbfounded. "I said, apologize!" Victor said slightly raising his tone making Carina flinch.

She immediately broke eye contact with him and looked at the ground. "I-I'm so-" "Look at me while speaking" Victor ordered. Carina looked up and back into those blueish green intimidating eyes.

Her eyes started to water a little but she kept it together. "I'm s-sorry s-sir" she whispered. "Take a seat both of you. We have much to discuss" Victor said never breaking eye contact with Carina. 

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