True Intentions

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Cry. That was all Carina could do. He wants to fuck her. He wants to take away her innocence. The last thing that she has been keeping safe from him. She can't. She can't let him do that.

But then again, he won't take her back before doing so. She's stuck. Stuck in this unknown place with that devil of a man. "Why me?" she sobbed, burying her head in the pillow.

"Ms. Romanov" came his dangerous voice. Surprisingly, he sounded very professional right now. Carina got up and wiped her tears away.

Her nose was still red and so were her eyes. But there was no way she could hide that. She headed out towards the living room only to find Victor with a man.

"Come here" Victor said. She went towards him and he patted the spot beside him. She sat down and Victor started speaking.

"This is my friend Garry Baxton. He's here to help me teach you." Carina looked at Garry and nodded her head in greeting. He smiled back.

"Let's get started" Garry said taking out his laptop. Carina understood that she was being taught, but what exactly was it that she was learning?

Victor, as if reading her mind said "You will be taught how to organize data in different apps such as spreadsheets, word etc." "But I already know how to do that" she said playing with her rings.

"Ms. Romanov, what you have been taught earlier were the beginning steps. There is a lot more to data organization" Garry replied. She nodded her head.

"Now look here please" he said. Carina looked at the laptop and Garry started to explain things to her. Indeed, there was a lot she didn't know of.


"Ok, you're good for now" Garry said after an hour of her teaching. "I must say Ms. Romanov, you're a really fast learner" he smiled at her. Carina smiled back.

"Thanks Mr. Baxton" she said getting up with him. "Oh please! Call me Garry" he said raising his hand forward for a handshake. "Call me Carina then" she said shaking his hand.

Garry hugged Victor before saying his final goodbyes and leaving. Carina closed the door behind him and turned around only to find Victor standing there with anger spread all over his face.

"Call you Carina huh?" he growled. As Victor took long dangerous steps towards her, Carina backed up into the door. He grabbed her jaw.

"May I know the reason, why you decided to become over friendly with him?" he asked, anger clearly reflecting in his tone. Carina's eyes filled with tears.

"I-I didn't. I was just being r-respectful" she said defending herself. "Then why haven't you ever asked ME to call you by your first name? Do you not respect me?" he said squeezing her jaw even tighter.

The tears finally slipped out of her eyes. "N-no. Its just that y-you never asked. You c-call me by my first name w-whenever you want. And because I do r-respect you, I don't even o-object" she said, her voice filled with fear.

Victor realized what she was saying was right. He calls her whatever he wants whenever he wants, and she has never stopped him.

He left her jaw and she immediately brought her hands up caressing the spot where Victor had left his fingerprints. "Go undress. You're sleeping with me tonight" he said.

She looked at him shocked. "W-what?" she asked hoping what she heard wasn't true. "You heard me. Now go!" he shouted making her flinch.

She ran into HIS bedroom not wanting to anger him. Hesitantly, Carina removed her dress and sat there on the bed in her lingerie.

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