One On One

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As Carina waited outside the office, her heart wouldn't stop pounding. She was so anxious. She did not want to face the beast alone, let alone talk to him. She waited for about 15 minutes before Nathan walked out.

She saw his face and immediately knew something was wrong. "W-what happened? W-why are sweating?" she asked. Nathan looked at her with sorry eyes. He was about to send her into a fire pit.

"Carina, Victor saw us outside the bathroom. He thinks we're a couple. He's mad because he thinks that us being together means we won't work efficiently. I tried telling him that there's nothing between us. But he won't listen. He says he wants to talk to you" Nathan said.

A couple?! Carina's eyes widened.

She took a deep breath before asking "How mad is he?" Looked like he wanted to stab me, Nathan thought. "Very" he said. Immediately Carina's breath quickened. "Hey, hey. Relax Carina. You're braver than you know." Nathan tried to comfort her.

Just then Chase's phone rang. He saw Victor's name on the screen. "Yes sir? Ye –" Chase got cut off. He sighed. "Ms. Romanov, sir demands you in his office right now" Chase said turning towards Carina.

She looked at Nathan who gave her a fake smile. She could tell it was fake. "It's going to be okay" he lied. Carina took a deep breath before knocking.


Victor was getting restless. He had sent Nathan out a while ago. Where was Carina? He called Chase. "Chase, send Ms. Romanov in right now!" he growled and cut the call before Chase could reply.

A few seconds later he heard a knock on his door and saw silver strands coming through. "Remind me to increase Chase's salary later" he muttered to himself.

"Come in!" he shouted. Carina walked in with soft steps. Victor smiled to himself on seeing that petite beautiful body. But that smile didn't stay for long. "Sit" he ordered her.

Carina took a seat opposite to where Victor was sitting. Victor got up and walked towards her. She gulped and kept her eyes stuck to the floor.

He stood right behind her and bend down to whisper in her ear. "I heard barbie doll's got a boyfriend" he whispered in a tone very uncomfortable to Carina. She shook her head slowly in a 'no' motion.

Victor suddenly grabbed Carina's hair and tugged on it making her gasp. "Ms. Romanov, I rely on verbal answers" Victor growled. As a result, tears started to form in Carina's eyes.

"Now let's do this again. Do you have a boyfriend Carina?" Victor asked still keeping his hold tight on her. "N-no" Carina almost sobbed. Victor tugged harder on her hair making her wince a little.

"Rule no. 9 Carina. What do you always address me as?" he asked in a dangerous tone. "S-sir" she stuttered. "Now for the last time Ms. Romanov, is Nathan Byers your boyfriend?" he said getting irritated. "N-no s-sir" Carina answered, now sobbing. He let go of her hair and stood up.

"Then what the fuck were you two doing staring into each other's eyes outside my office bathroom?!" he shouted. Carina flinched at his tone. "We – we..." she stuttered. "Speak up Ms. Romanov, before I have to use my special ways". Carina's ears perked up at his threat.

"I-I was s-scared of t-talking to you. S-so Nathan was c-comforting me" she managed to blurt out. "Scared of me?" Victor gave out the most sarcastic chuckle Carina had ever heard.

He bent down to her level again. Slowly tracing up her arm with his index finger, Victor whispered in her ear "What makes you scared of me Ms. Romanov?"

This gave Carina goosebumps. She didn't want him touching her. She immediately stood up from her seat and stood opposite to Victor maintaining a good distance.

Victor, as always, didn't like this. He took dangerously long steps towards her and harshly gripped her waist.

"Don't ever fucking run away from me" he growled. She squirmed in his tight hold. Carina was sure his grip would leave bruises. "I-its hurting" she said. Victor gave her an evil smirk and tightened his hold. Carina whimpered in pain.

"Is that how you ask someone to do something for you?" Victor asked her. She knew what he meant. "P-please let me g-go sir, please" she begged. Victor was satisfied by his control over her. He let go, giving Carina a chance to breath.

Suddenly, Victor grabbed her jaw. "You will not touch or get close to Nathan ever again in my office. Do you understand?" he growled. "Y-yes sir" Carina said with teary eyes, her jaw hurting. He let go.

"You can leave for the day Ms. Romanov. Come back tomorrow on time" he said. She instantly nodded her head leaping towards the door. Victor grabbed her arm making Carina jolt.

He pulled her back, Carina's back now colliding with Victor's chest. "I expect you to keep your mouth shut about everything that just happened. That means, even from Mia" he whispered in her ear. Carina's eyes widened hearing her best friend's name.

"H-how do you–" she was cut off. "I know everything about everyone who works for me Ms. Romanov. So never dare test me" he growled. That was a lie.

Victor might have known about the backgrounds of the people that worked for him, but nothing too personal. However, when it came to Carina, he even knew her favorite restaurant.

Carina nodded her head in response but realized her mistake when Victor's grip on her arm tightened. "I-I will n-not speak of this s-sir. Not to a-anyone" she gave him a verbal response.

"Good" he said before letting her go and walking back to his seat. Carina ran outside the office still breathing slightly heavy.

Nathan saw her face and immediately stood up from where he was sitting. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked taking her hand in his. You will not touch or get close to Nathan ever again in my office. Victor's words rung in her ear as soon as Nathan touched her.

She pulled back her slightly shaking hand. "Yes I'm fine Nathan. V-Victor has dismissed us for the day. We can go h-home" she said. Nathan raised an eyebrow at her action, but seeing her condition he decided not to ask.

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