Angry Sex 2 - Calm Down Victor!

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Another month passed easily and Carina's internship was over. Violet was back home and was getting used to the changes that had happened in the world.

Carina understood when Victor told her he wanted to spend more time with his sister.

With this said, the two were only able to meet each other every Saturday.

But Carina didn't mind it. They face timed each other every night before sleeping.

Victor told her things that made butterflies dance in Carina's stomach. Never in her life had she craved for a Saturday this much.

But this week, something was different. Friday night, Victor didn't pick up her call.

Instead, he just sent her a message saying 'I'm busy right now. See you tomorrow'. He had never done this before.

Carina's mind trailed back to the time when she thought that after the internship Victor would leave her.

Those horrendous thoughts came back and caused trouble during Carina's sleep.

Every time she closed her eyes, she imagined Victor with another woman.

But then, the night when Victor had made love to her came to her mind.

Those beautiful words he said to her, the love in his eyes, the way he made sure she knew he would never leave her.

All that came back to her and she sighed.

She was not going to doubt Victor's love ever again. Now, it was just the wait for the next day so that she could finally meet him.


Carina woke up early the next morning. She got ready quickly and headed to the cafeteria.

"God Carina, my head hurts. Why are we up so early?" Mia whined as she ate her breakfast.

She had been to a party yesterday and now had a hangover.

"It's 9 am you idiot. It's not early" Carina chuckled. "9 am?!" Nathan's eyes went wide in shock.

"Fuck!" Ashton cursed under his breath, but Carina heard it. She mentally face palmed herself at her friends' actions.

"I'm gonna go meet Victor. See you!" she waved her friends a goodbye.

"In case he doesn't have it, the condoms are on the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet" Carina whispered in Mia's ears before walking away.

She knew Mia wasn't a fan of birth control pills, so she always made sure there were condoms in their dorm.

Considering that they had even seen each other naked and had taken baths together when they were younger, it wasn't embarrassing to either of them.

A smile broke on Carina's lips as she saw Victor's car. She happily hopped in, only to find Chase sitting there.

"Sorry miss. Sir couldn't make it so he sent me" he told her.

Carina felt hurt at that. He couldn't make time for her even though they were meeting only once a week?

That was painful to hear. Her excitement vanished as a feeling of sadness took over her.

Soon, the gates of the Collins mansion were in sight. Carina reached the door and rang the bell.

A terrified maid opened the door. The poor woman looked as if she had no sleep the previous night. She also looked quite old.

"Are you okay?" Carina asked her. At this point, everyone in the house knew who Carina was.

"Yes, I'm fine my dear. It's just, sir's not in a good mood" she sadly smiled at Carina as she took her bag from her.

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