Someone to Feel Sorry For

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When Carina woke up the next morning, she found herself changed out of the dress and into one of Victor's shirts. Also, she was in Victor's room. She wasn't wearing any pants either, just her panties.

Immediately, she covered herself with the blanket. Oh god! Did he change my clothes? she wondered. The door opened and in came the devil.

"Morning" Victor said. Seeing him, all memories of last night returned back to her. Carina realized she was still dirty from last night, she had fallen asleep without showering.

"G-good morning" she replied.

"I've prepared a warm water bath for you. Go clean yourself." Victor said. This time, his voice wasn't commanding or harsh. He was acting all soft with her. But that scared Carina to the core.

Why was he pretending to be someone he isn't?

"D-did you c-change my c-clothes?" she asked. Victor rose a brow at her question. "How does it matter? Have I not seen you without them twice now?" he growled.

There he was. The Victor Collins Carina feared. She looked down in fear. Victor took a deep breath before answering.

"If you still want an answer, yes I changed them. But as you can clearly see, your bra and panties are still on. So I didn't get you all naked."

Carina nodded her head and got up to head towards the bathroom. "Carina" came Victor's voice. She turned around to look at him.

"I'm going out for a while. I'll be back by lunch. Cook something for us as I don't want to order anything. Also, make sure I come back to a clean apartment. I have some dirty clothes, clean them too" he said in a clearly commanding tone.

What the fuck! I'm his intern, not slave! Carina shouted in her mind. But she couldn't say that to Victor. So she just nodded her head.

"Oh I forgot to add. If you don't complete these tasks, there will be a punishment" he added with a smirk making Carina gulp. She made sure to make these tasks her first priority. "Understood?" Victor asked.

"Yes sir."


While Carina was getting ready, she got a call from Mia. "Hi Mia" she greeted. "Hi! How are you?" squealed her friend. "I'm good, what's up with you?" she asked.

Even though her best friend, Carina refused to tell Mia about Victor's actions with her. "Okay, so.....Ashton asked me out!" she screamed so loud Carina had to pull the phone away from her ear.

"Really?" she tried to sound excited. There was silence on the line for a moment. "Carina, are you really okay?" Mia asked. That was it. Carina broke down.

"I don't know Mia. I don't know if I'm okay" she sobbed. Mia's heart clenched. All the happiness about her and Ashton's progress vanished for her.

"Carina, please try to keep yourself together" there wasn't much Mia could do over the phone. "What did he do? Tell me. Tell me please" Mia said.

Carina's sobbing just increased. She couldn't form any words. How could she tell anyone about what happened? It was gross and embarrassing.

"Just t-talk to me p-please" she said sobbing. "I'm here, I'm always here for you" Mia assured her. "I want to come b-back Mia. He's so s-scary. He's making me work for him as if I'm his s-slave" she sobbed even harder.

"Carina –" Mia was cut off by Ashton calling her. "We're gonna be late darling. Let's go" Carina heard Ashton say. "Just a minute" Mia told him. "No no. Don't get late because of me. Go Mia" Carina said.

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