I Love You

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A/N: My heart aches to do this, but it has to be done. I welcome you all one last time, to the last chapter of Controlled.


The rest of the year passed in the blink of an eye. College was finally over. Today was graduation and everyone seemed to be in happy spirits.

Carina was admiring herself in her graduation uniform when her phone rang.

"Hello babygirl" Victor greeted as soon as she received the phone. "Hi!" she squeaked. "Someone's excited" he said.

"Of course! Today's the most important day of my life. And I'm gonna share it with you!" she jumped in excitement.

Apparently, Carina had insisted Victor to become the chief guest for the ceremony.

Victor resisted first, but how long could he go when she gave him her world famous puppy eyes? The man broke within seconds.

Victor even managed to convince the dean with his ways. Carina couldn't be happier.

She knew Victor did something, but he promised her that no one was hurt.

Carina didn't doubt him a bit, she believed him even with her eyes closed.

"Well, be ready then darling. Graduation's gonna be fun" Victor said. With what he had planned for her, it was definitely going to be fun.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "See ya!" Carina cut the call and opened the door.

"You look gorgeous" Nathan said. Carina blushed and thanked him.

"If Victor heard you say that, you'd be in the hospital" Mia said as she walked inside. Carina rolled her eyes.

"Well, what are you guys doing here?" Carina asked.

"Thought we'd spend some time with friends. We may not see each other ever again" Ashton said.

"What do you mean?" Carina asked confused. She looked at Mia and saw the sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Ash got a job offer in Canada. He leaves tomorrow" Mia said, her voice lower than a whisper.

"So....long distance?" Carina asked and Mia nodded. Carina hugged her best friend who was almost about to cry.

Ashton slowly pulled Mia away from Carina.

"We talked about this love. It's gonna be okay. We'll talk to each other every day" Ashton said as he looked into Mia's eyes.

Mia nodded and buried her face in his chest.

The atmosphere in the room got very sad very soon. Carina knew why Mia was worried.

No matter how much love exists, long distance opens the possibilities of finding someone new. It increases the chances of getting cheated on.

"You know, if you hurt her, she'll become sad. And if she becomes sad, then I'll become sad. And guess who doesn't like to see me sad? Victor. So if I'm sad, he'll beat your ass. Moral of the story – don't ever hurt my best friend" Carina said.

There was a long silence in the room. Carina was starting to wonder if she said something inappropriate.

She was just trying to lighten the mood. She was about to say something when Nathan started laughing.

Following suit, both Ashton and Mia broke out into laughs too.

"Yeah mate, you don't want to get your ass beaten up, do you?" Nathan laughed even louder.

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