Chapter 34

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Harmony's PROV

I couldn't control my heartbeat... I thought it was going to pop out of my chest and run away... I couldn't believe the words that ever so softly came out of Calla's mouth;

"You aren't effect by my succubus... I'm really your mate..." Calla's eyes closed.

I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes... I have a MATE, an amazing, beautiful, strong, passionate, Alpha Mate.. I don't care Calla is a girl, she's perfect and I love her!

I didn't know Calla was crying until I felt the tears fall onto my shirt... "Alpha Calla... what's wrong?"

Calla shook her head and opened her eyes. I gasped, they were that bright, neon, green, "Don't you get it?? I have two TRUE, REAL mates.. And I know I will have to pick one. But how can I have only one when my soul loves both? You and Luke deserve to have the best mate, future, kids, and life. If I have to pick one of you, then one wont have the happy ever after with me! Its sooo hard being me, why do I have to be so special?"

I know I shouldn't feel hurt but, I do. Her words actually made me feel bad, and hurt me. I know having two mates must be hard... but when she brought up picking ONE of us, I just couldn't control the breaking of my heart. I know she will choose Luke, hes powerful, regular, and loving, And Im just a weak Alpha's daughter, DAUGHTER! Calla wont want to be known as the most powerful Faye/Alpha in the world, that is also GAY!

I couldn't hold the tears in any longer, they leaked out of my eyes and blurred my vision till they slide down my cheeks. I looked at Calla, she was still crying. I wipe her cheeks with my finger, but that makes her stiffen. I pull my hand away slowly, but once I remove my hand from her skin her head snaps up and her eyes are open and blazing their bright, neon, green.

OH GAWD, Calla looked at my hand, "Why did you pull your hand away?" Calla's eyes were boring into mine, Power and strength was radiating off her body and hitting me with force. I couldn't hold her gaze, my eyes dropped down to look at my hands.

"Im sorry Calla, I just thought you didn't want to be touched by me..."

Calla growled... and I mean growled, "Why would I not want you to touch me??? I'm your mate, your supposed to touch me!"

 I blushed... she wanted me to touch me, "I'm sorry, I just thought you didn't want to have my touching you because you were crying about having two mates... and I know you have to choose, and you would choose him over me..."

I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Calla's growl cut me off, "YOU ARE MINE!" The power and strength in her words caused me to flinch, she growled again, but this time didn't speak... she lifted my head by lifting my chin with her fingers, and then licked the spot where my shoulder met my neck.

I moan under her touch, she kisses the spot gently, before sinking her teeth into my flesh, causing white hot passion to explode and erupt around us. I was in complete bliss, her lips on my skin felt amazing, but her teeth in my flesh felt even better, it felt like every where she touched, a fire, burning sensation started and grew all over my body. All I could do was moan, when she finally pulled back I whimpered from the loss of contact.

When I open my eyes, I see Calla's dark green eyes staring into mine... HOLY SHIT! Did she just... mark me??? That cant be possible, she's not a wolf... But the bigger question was... what the hell was that????

I glare at her, "Explain now!"

Calla flinched and looked guilty, but I knew she knew what I wanted her to tell me. She sighs, "When my eyes are shining, neon green, it means my succubus is upfront.. it means I will attack or im mad, or feeling extreme passion. A couple minutes ago I was be withered that you thought I didn't want you, so my succubus, nymph, and telepathic acted on instinct... we marked you.... I lost control of myself and marked you..."

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