Chapter 56

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Erick's POV

I walk into the House Of Night leaving Carmelina with Nyx and that guy Jasper. I don't know why but the looks he gives Carmelina bothers me... like there has been more then they put off. I sigh, its not like I can do anything about it.

I continue to walk down the hallway towards my dorm when one of my buddies Jessie catches up to me. Jessie is 6'2", has a blonde Mohawk, is pale like dead on pale, and has perfect teeth with full lips, and he's working on his build. He rooms with me, so we are pretty close.

Jessie pats my back, "Aye Erick!" I roll my eyes at him, "Do you always have to act so gangster dude?" Jessie puts his hand over his heart acting as if I hurt his feelings, "I do NOT act, its a lifestyle bro." I sigh, "What ever you say J. You heading to the dorm too?"

He nods, "Yup! Some of the guys are waiting for us in there. They said something about a new hot girl attending here and they wanted a meeting." I nod but then I realize who they are talking about... I pause, "Are they referring to Carmelina Gold?" A wide grin spreads across Jessie's face, "Wow Mr. Night, you have guessed right. But people just call her Goldie."

I shake my head, "Goldie is a stupid nickname for her.... Carmelina's nick name is Calla." He pulls my arm along trying to get to the room faster but he sneaks glances at me, "Dude, how do you know that?" I smirk, "Because I've already met her, I've been with her for the past hour."

Jessie's face lights up with excitement, "Perfect..." Once we get to our dorm he pushes the door open and I am greeted by three of our best buds: Sam, Jared, and Carson.

Sam has brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, a nice build, and is about 6'1". Jared has red hair, blue eyes, and freckles but he is a mean fighting machine, he's a damn body builder, he's about 6'3" and has a huge build. Carson has bleach blonde hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, and a pretty decent build and is about 6'0".

Jessie pulls us in and the guys are looking pretty serious. Jared nods his head at Jessie and I, "Take a seat we have a very important topic to talk about." I sigh but take a seat on my bed even though this is very stupid... we are at a very, very expensive school for Vamps, and we are acting like high school boys.

Carson smiles, "We have all witnessed that there is a new girl here. Her name is Carmelina Gold." Jessie smirks, "Erick over here already knows her... spent an hour with her today."

Everyone in the room gasps and starting to cheer! I roll my eyes at them, "Stop acting like horny teenagers... Nyx told me to show her around and to help her do paperwork. That's all that happened." Jared scowls, "Come on Erick! We ALL know that's not all that happened."

I sigh, "You all are idiots. Nothing else happened other then her telling me about herself." Carson's eyes bulge out of his head, "Tell us everything!" I whine, "Do I have too?"

They all answer, "Yes!" Together and I know I'm beat. I sigh, "Carmelina Gold is Alpha of the 'Blood Eclipse Pack', she has jet black hair with green streaks, dark green eyes, and is pretty strong. Calla has abilities that no one else has. And that's all I'm telling you. If you want more info grow a pair and ask her yourself."

Sam who has been quiet this whole time speaks up, "Tell us a little bit more. We cant approach her not knowing the details. Anyways if you don't tell us then we will just read the paperwork she just handed in."

I gasp, "How did you get that? I gave it to Maria after she finished." Jared grins evilly, "Carson and Sam distracted her while I made a photocopy. Anyways we saw you with her and might I say she is such a hottie." 

Carson whistles, "Damn, to sexy to be ignored by everyone." Sam starts to laugh, "We even saw the little scene between Cleo and Goldie. Did you see Cleo's face? Holy shit dude! When Cleo laid eyes on her I could literally smell the fear coming off of her skank body."

Everyone starts to laugh even me, "I guess that was pretty funny but she has a mate dudes." They all pause and Sam yells, "What do you mean she has a mate?!?!" I cringe from the power he held in his voice but I regain my composure, "Calla was talking to Nyx and she talked about her mate... Harmony."

The looks on their faces were priceless... filled with shock, anger and lust. Jared barley gets out, "She is mated to a female werewolf???" I smirk and nod, "Yup she is. And she LOVES her."

They all growl at me. I put my hands up in surrender, "Jeez I didn't think this would all be a big deal..." Carson's face turns red with anger, "Obviously this is a big deal! I swear, Carmelina will be ours.."

Honestly, I don't like the tone of his voice or the seriousness and tension floating around the room. Jessie, Sam, Jarid and Carson all shared a nod. Oh gosh.. Calla is going to be in trouble when it comes to these boys.

Calla's POV

I cannot believe this... Its been three days since I've been to the House Of Night and everyone is STILL running around like wild animals trying to prepare for the move. Jasper was assuring everyone about the pack house by telling them what it looked like, and honestly everyone cant wait.

Jade and Carolina told me that a total of 50 vans have been packed and escorted to the House Of Night. Lucy told me that everyone trying to move in all at once was a bad idea so once a family was all packed they head over to the new pack house to settle in. I thought her idea was best, so the past three days people have been leaving at all parts of the day.

Honestly, I could care less about when people leave. This pack house Is clearing out and I think its great. Since I've been busy with arrangements Lucy helped Harm pack all of our stuff... Harm left to the new pack house earlier today and I miss her already!

I get pulled out of my thoughts by Jasper. I lift my head to see he's sitting on my desk while I am sitting in my spiny chair BEHIND my desk. I growl, "Why are you sitting on my desk?"

He simply frowns, "Im nervous for you Alpha Gold..." I blink a couple times registering what he said, "Jasp, why are you worried?" Jasper jumps off my desk and starts pacing across the room, "Well lets see... because you are going to an all Vampyre school. Alone may I say and I cant be there to protect you."

I smile at his kindness, "Jasper you know the one person that doesn't need protecting is me. Trust me Jasp... I will be perfectly fine." He shakes his head, "I heard the conversation between you and that royal bitch Cleo the other day." I gasp at him, "How did you hear that?"

Jasp snorts, "Werewolf hearing remember?" Oh yeah... duhh now I feel like an idiot. I smile and reply, "Sometimes I forget. But don't worry about her, she is nothing but a pain in the ass... if anything were to happen you know I would kick her ass."

He smiles, "Yeah I know you would.. remember when we trained a month ago and you kept pinning me?" I laugh at the memory, "Yes... how could I forget? The look on your face every time was priceless." He growls at me playfully, "If you can take me down you can take anyone down."

I sing, "Someone is being COCKY!" Jasper rolls his eyes and stops pacing, "I just wanted to let you know that we only have a few more people packing and then we can leave.. ok?" I sigh as I feel the nerves coming on.

Jasper feels my nervousness, "Don't worry Calla. Everyone will love you at the House Of Night... don't show your fear cause they will try to walk all over you. And your better then them." He nods and smiles at me one more time before exiting my office.

I sigh... I guess hes right. I just don't want to be a loner, but by the looks of it people will want to be my friends. Nyx did tell me everyone was looking forward to meeting me. But they only want to meet me to see how big of a freak I am.... I just don't want people to see me as the freaky faye girl.

I look at my lap and bow my head to pray, "Dear goddess, please let my arrival at the House Of Night be perfectly adjustable, and drama less. Thank you! Amen."

Hopefully... she will hear my prayer.


Hey guys! Update time!!! I hope you like it, I gave a glimpse of Erick's feelings and very weird friends! I honestly cant wait for tomorrow's update. But if I get 10 votes on this one I will update again later! I love you all!!! ;****


Kat Akatyszewski <3 xoxo

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