Chapter 64

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Calla's POV

Holy Shit! Is Jace really going to shift out of anger... of course I feel bad for talking about how perfect Harmony is (even though she's an angel) because he still loves me. But honestly he needs to get over me so you know what im going to knock some sense into him.

I stand up looking at Jace's skaking body, his eyes were turning gold which meant his wolf was in the front. I growl, "Jace control youself! There is a gorgeous mate out there for you! If you stay hooked on me then you will NEVER find her... I want you to be just as happy as I am Jace, your happiness would put the finishing touch on my happiness. So you know what im going to help you find her."

Jace stopped shaking at the mention of him having a mate that's NOT me, he looked at me with curious eyes before questioning me, "What do you mean help me?" I smile, "You can come back to my pack... you can sniff around to try to find your mate, if you find her you may stay and I will make you a solider in my pack army and live peacefully with everyone and with your mate."

Obviously thinking about it he nodded his head, "What if I don't find my mate?" That answer was kind of obvious, "If you don't find your mate then you can still stay in the pack and be a solider because a lot of people miss you... It would be better for you to be there."

This was a win-win situation so no matter which he picked he would still return to the pack... unless he didn't want to come but since he might find his mate I bet he will come. Jace took his time thinking about my offers. He actually sat down to think... But minutes later he looked up and smiled at me.

Jace thanked me, "Thank you Calla, I accept both of your offers. I just hope I find my mate... I cant take the pain of seeing you with Harmony, no offense." I raise my hands up, grinning before replying, "No offense taken. I completely understand because I can feel what your feeling along with hearing your thoughts."

I've always thought its kind of weird how my powers develop over time but you know it happens for the better.... the more I master things, the more powerful I will be. Jace questions me, "I have a question... how exactly do you hear my thoughts?"

I laugh but begin explaining, "Your mind is open to me because you cant close it, you don't have the ability to so your mind is open to me and any other telepathic. Your thoughts kind of float into my head word after word and when your angry I feel the anger behind your thoughts, I feel the sadness, I feel the excitement, I feel the happiness. I feel the feelings behind your words and thoughts."

Jace's eyes are literally filled with curiousity, "That's truly amazing... so explain to me how you are part god and shit." I cross my arms over my chest and I raise an eyebrow, "Its definitely not shit. Its amazing. I am part god because Ares is my father." Jace's eyes widen, "HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZING!" I grin, "Ive heard! Anyways... I need to sleep because today has been a long and emotional day... so I got the couch and you got bed."

He laughs, "Calla your the woman so you got the bed ok?" Its his bed but what ever. I nod and walk to his bedroom. His scent is everywhere but that would be obvious because the room is Jace's. I tug off my dress before grabbing a shirt from his drawer and a pair of gym shorts.

I snuggle up into bed, the darkness of sleep soon taking over... I could feel all of the dreams coming to haunt me. But, I got to face my fears.. I close my eyes and fall into the pit of darkness I call sleep. Waiting for morning to come and wake me....


Jasper's POV

"What do you mean you fucking lost her?!?!?!" I shouted. I was very, very, very pissed off! I told Erick to watch over Calla in school because I couldn't, but of course he was to weak and stupid to watch over a girl, a very powerful faye girl!!!

If she got captured or taken then I will literally KILL Erick Night. He will be a dead man... Calla is very important to the pack and the whole faye world. No one can afford to loose someone as important as her.

Erick cowers back from my words, "Im sorry Jasper! I tried to catch up to her but she was so PISSED, she sprinted so fast that she looked like a blur." I nodded, "That happens when there is so much strength and power running through her body... I'm afraid about where she has ended up."

Calla is a very smart woman so I dout she has gotten kidnapped or taken by hunters or another pack because if she was that angry then her power and strength rates would be through the roof, so no one would be able to take her.

I sigh, "You can go to bed now Erick... I'm sorry for getting so mad at you. Its not your fault." He nods his head before turning to run to the House of Night. I run a hand through my hair nervously. Its already bad enough that the pack is very on edge from the Vamps and now Calla is gone somewhere and when the Alpha is away from the pack, the people feel very empty from the absence of the Alpha.

So I will have to step up as second in command to handle the pack till Calla gets back... but I'm not Calla. I have a feeling things will not go well if she doesn't come back soon.

Calla's POV

"Oh my Goddess Jasper! Shut the hell up!!!! I was only gone for not even a day!" Jasper glared at me and shouted, "It was more then a day Calla! Everyone was worried sick! And we have the right to worry you brought back Jace for god's sake!!!"

I roll my eyes. Ever since Jace and I arrived back at the House of Night, Jasper has been grilling me on why I left and why I brought back Jace. I swear... they make it seem like me leaving to blow off steam is a crime. And Jasper yelling at his Alpha is a BIG no-no, so I don't know why Jasper has suddenly grown a pair.

Jasper snaps his fingers in front of my face and yells, "Are you even listening to me?!?!" Ok, this stops now. I growl at him and he takes a couple steps back, "Jasper, if you are complete sane then I suggest you stop yelling at your Alpha or else you will regret it."

He nods and I sigh, "Go back and watch over the pack..." Jasper shakes his head, "Why cant you come?? Harmony misses you a lot." Tears fill my eyes but I blink them back, "I miss her soo much Jasp but I need to be here..."

Obviously understanding he bows his head and walks away. I sigh... I know people worry about me but I can go places with out people wanting to send out a search party. I wanted to clear my head and get the anger out and I did... and I gained a person I needed in my life along the way. So, I see this little 'get away' as a big success. I just hope Jace finds the happiness he deserves.

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