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As the elevator doors closed I patted my cheeks gently. Glancing at the elevator floor buttons, (the apartment complex wasn't too big as it had five floors for the rooms, a roof, underground parking and) I press the lobby floor button. I briskly enter the lobby that I didn't get to really explore while unpacking yesterday. My cheeks have already cooled down as I look around the small area. There was a front desk with no one behind it. It appears they stepped out as I headed towards the exit doors. There are a few armchairs, stiff couches, and tables by the windows as I walked past. There were small flower decorations on the window sills and everything was well-kept as far as I could tell. Opening the front entrance, I was blinded as the sun was there to greet me due to it being afternoon.


I stroll along the streets without a destination in mind, just browsing what shops were nearby. After about 30 minutes of walking, I found out that there were a couple of cute cafes, convenience stores, and small restaurants along the roads. The people were normally kind when passing by but a few gave annoyed glances when I accidentally bumped into them within the crowd.

I decided to stop by a cafe called "Mono" due to my legs already aching a bit and the need for a drink. Looking around the cafe it was very cozy with the dim lighting, monochromatic furniture, and had a vintage touch with antique decor and bookcases. Already liking the vibe of the cafe I went up to the front register where a teenage girl sat reading a book. She smiled when I came near and asked what I would like to order. I answered with a simple mixed berry smoothie and she goes to prepare my drink after I paid. A few minutes after looking at the rest of the menu for future reference, the girl returns with my drink and I thanked her.

I turn to check out the bookshelves and what I could read. There were only a few people around the cafe, either on their technology or reading a book. When I reach the first shelf, I find the books to be neatly organized by related topics instead of alphabetical order. The books I was looking at were a range of action and horror novels so I moved onto the second bookshelf which held fantasy and romance novels. There was another man in the row but I paid no mind as he seemed immersed in reading a book's summary.

After a while of browsing I came across the book "Grimm's Fairy Tales" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and I instantly reach to grab it. The book was old, thick, and leather-bound but was a classic favorite of mine. I flipped a few pages into it to see what fairy tales it consisted and a tap on the shoulder caused me to look over to see the man that was browsing the books besides me. A quick look-over showed he had a light tan jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and simple white Adidas. He smiled and revealed deep dimples and a cute rounded face shape (but looks can be deceiving huh). One of the most prominent features was his bright peach pink hair that looked very soft to the touch.

"Hi. The book you're reading is one of my favorites. Have you read it before?" The man questions politely and I nod smiling.

"I have. Such a twist from Disney. It's interesting to see the technical ending for each of the character's stories. The princess stories are my favorite because of how imperfect their lives are compared to what they have shown children through magical hour long films." I conclude as I see his grin widen. Not gonna lie, but he is getting cuter by the second.

"Yes! The concept is fun to see such a turn. I see you have a drink, do you want to sit and converse more?" He suggests, already turning to lead the way. I hesitantly nod as I was not expecting to be invited to sit with him. He leads me to a corner of the cafe with a comfortable round couch and a glass table. The table had two cups of tea and a half eaten cheesecake with two forks resting on the plate. A raven haired male is seated there staring intensely at the book he is reading. His outfit above the table showed a plaid black, white, and grey shirt. He had broad shoulders and a very angelic face. His plump lips tilted into a small pout as he read and I was already mesmerized. The man that I met sits right next to the raven hair and he glances up at the man then to me. He puts on a gentle smile and sets his book down.

"Who is this?" He gently asks the salmon haired male and the nerdy male sheepishly looks at the man.

He glances back at me and answers, "My bad! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Namjoon. Must've been awkward to follow a stranger to sit at a table. This is my boyfriend Seokjin, or Jin. Most people call him that." Jin throws a quick glare at Namjoon before turning his attention back to me and smiling again.

"Oh, it's not a problem. I should've introduced myself too. My name is y/n. It's nice to meet you two, too. You guys look very good together." I mumbled the last part a bit embarrassed. It sounded like a good compliment in my head but saying it out loud felt a bit awkward. Jin laughed light-heartedly at my embarrassed expression.

"Thank you! We don't get compliments much but we love hearing them. Come sit, I'm sure Namjoon was being a nerd." As I set my drink on the table and scoot in to sit next to Namjoon, Jin turns to Namjoon and questions "You've never invited anyone to sit before?" His question made me glance at Namjoon.

Namjoon grins and says "Well she liked the Brothers Grimm so she seemed to be a person who would hold a nice conversation. You get back to reading that psychological murder story. Tell me once you think you know who the murderer is because then I can tell you that you're wrong again." Seokjin rolled his eyes and took a bite of the cake before reading again. Namjoon turned to me and eagerly started the conversation.


About two hours have passed by in a breeze. Namjoon and I have moved the conversation onto knowledge about the astronomical universe and the possibilities of alternate dimensions. Jin had to hit the back of Namjoon's neck to get him to finally stop explaining his philosophical theory on the idea of the butterfly effect and our decisions creating and ending millions of universes. Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck and pouted while I giggled at the interaction with Jin's scolding and Namjoon's whining to continue the conversation.

"We have to go meet up with some people at the moment. I'm sorry y/n. Your company was very enjoyable! Please sit with us again and converse with Namjoon, you guys seem to have made a connection quickly." He leans down and whispers. "Your laugh is adorable!" Jin laughed at my flustered expression as he leans back.

"Y/n, we do need to meet up again. You are our new neighbor aren't you? I thought I caught a glimpse of you before you closed your door. I'm room 301 and Jin is 302. We need to get going but maybe we will meet up while passing by each other in the apartments or meeting here." Namjoon exclaims while standing up with Jin.

"It was nice to meet you guys. Yes I did move into the apartments very recently. Maybe we'll meet again but I don't want to keep you guys if you need to go. See you some other time perhaps." I grin as they wave and head out.

I exhale and lay back in the seat. My drink was finished a while ago so I decided to leave the cozy cafe as well to pass the time. Jin and Namjoon were great company. It was a surprise to see two more of my neighbors at the cafe but it was a nice introduction.

That's four down. Three to go?


A/n: I'm updating fairly quickly oof. How is your day or night going? :)

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