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It was a bit of an ephemeral moment of peace before the door was slammed open by none other than Jimin. My eyes snapped open as I saw his eyes widen upon seeing our states before they softened.

However, when I noticed Dawon peek over Jimin's shoulders, I immediately separated from Hoseok by slightly shoving him back and scrambling a few inches away in alarm. A blush overtook my cheeks as Dawon's confused expression turned smug once she realized what we were doing.

It's not like she doesn't know what we get up to, but I've never really kissed Hoseok in front of her out of embarrassment. Same with any of the guys in front of any of their family members. They're more comfortable sharing a few intimate moments, but I usually scurry away as soon as I hear footsteps near or voices from quite a distance.

More often than not, it's one of the other boys, but there have been a few close calls.

Such as Jimin's mother, for example, but clearly she was less reasonable in her response.

"Well look at that. Hoseok, you look so flushed."

Dawon teasingly reached over to Hoseok and pinched his cheeks while he whined for her to stop. I thought I was in the clear until she whipped her head over to me with mirth filled eyes.

"Don't be so shy, y/n! That was adorable, kind of weird witnessing my brother making out with my future sister-in-law, but nonetheless cute."

My face turned a hundred shades darker at her words and the way she cupped my cheeks while rocking my face from side to side.

We all turned our attention towards the bedroom door when it creaked open. I held my breath but instantly felt it whoosh out in relief when I saw a familiar mop of brunette hair peek in followed by an adorably curious bunny face.

Jungkook glanced around the bedroom before finding us all crowded in the bathroom. His expression lit up as he turned over his shoulder and quietly yelled, "I found them! They're in here!"

Not long after, a flurry of footsteps was heard before the room became crowded with five more bodies. Dawon beamed at the company as she straightened up and went to playfully mess around with Jungkook's hair. Namjoon took it upon himself to help both Hoseok and I up before we all gathered in the bedroom.

Although the room was larger than any bedroom should be, nine bodies didn't make much free space available. I noticed Jimin jump into Taehyung's arms on the bed which forcefully caused Yoongi to scoot over a bit. Hoseok joined Seokjin on the lounge chair, causing the older to groan under Hoseok's weight, but nevertheless hug him closer.

I stood beside Namjoon near the bathroom entrance as we watched Dawon poke Jungkook's sides which caused him to let out little bouts of laughter and attempt to stop her by lightly swatting at her arms and subtly scooting away. I let out a smile at the light atmosphere of the room.

This was perfect, right here.


I nervously sat stock still in my seat during dinner. My food was basically left untouched as I didn't have it in me to eat much with the heavy glare set on me.

I felt a hand squeeze my knee and I turned to see Hoseok letting out a soft smile with a tilt of his head towards my plate. I glanced back down at the amazing arrangement of dishes in front of me, but I didn't feel like I could stomach much. I didn't once look towards the left side of the table and rather kept myself quiet and hidden from the conversation.

Seokjin's grandmother kept sending me worried glances from beside me, but I reassured her with a miniscule smile and an occasional tiny bite of food.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now