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"I need to use the bathroom. Let me go!" I was trapped against the couch as Jungkook and Jimin wrapped around me tightly. Taehyung sat on the floor in front of me and had been using my thighs as a pillow.

I cuddled with the four oldest for approximately 15 minutes each before being hogged by the youngers. They allowed me to cool off by playing a drama on the television and compromising on allowing each person to cuddle me.

All their affection was so nice. Although I've never felt so coddled on before, it really felt nice to have them all vying for my attention. They constantly asked if I needed anything and were pleasantly satisfied whenever they got the chance to catch my eye.

It was like watching puppies tripping over themselves to catch their owner's attention.

Except those puppies were in the form of seven devilishly handsome males that were sinfully adorable.

I didn't think I'd ever think this, but I was fed up with the amount of times I grew flustered in the past couple hours alone. My face would constantly heat up because these guys knew the correct buttons to push.

Now, however, my face was growing red because I couldn't get out of the iron grips that held me tightly.

"No! We haven't got you for that long yet." Taehyung tilted his head up to shoot me with a pout.

"But I have to use the restroom!"

"Hold it." Jungkook simply answered as his eyes never left the screen.

"I can't. I've been holding it since forever ago! I gotta go now!" I flailed my arms in vain since both of their grips tightened.

"Boys, let her go. You can't hold her back from simply using the restroom!" Jin's tone caused the boys to wilt but keep their hold on me.

"That's an order. Not a suggestion."

"Fine." Jimin grumbled before he completely loosened his grip with Jungkook reluctantly following.

As soon as my arms were freed, I instantly stood up which caused Taehyung to quickly sit up straight with a whine.

"Freedom! At last!"

I didn't spare a glance at the others as I ran over to the bathroom door and rushed in.


Finishing my business, I washed my hands before taking my phone out of my back pocket.

My eyes widened as I realized the time nearing 10:30. I have an online assignment due for Computer Science due at midnight! It was only halfway finished in class, but I needed to finish it now!

Basically slamming the door opened, some of the guys jolted as they looked over at me.

"I've got to go! I forgot I have an assignment I need to finish!"

"What! Already?" Jimin flashed the puppy dog eyes.

"How about dinner?" Jin inquired with a flash of concern.

"Uh yeah. I'll whip something up for myself before I start. As much as I'd love to stay, I'd rather not have a missing or half-assed assignment. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye bye!"

I rushed to the door and clumsily slipped my shoes on as the others watched.

Opening the door and grabbing my backpack, I flashed them a brief smile with a wave as they waved back with slightly confused faces.


I knew something was off as soon as I stepped out of my apartment. Why? Because I saw all the guys gathered near the elevator.

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