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I was currently sitting in front of a coffee table and trying my best to study.

Key word is trying.

Around me sat the others in various positions, whether it be sprawled out on the floor, resting on the couch, or near me at the table.

Namjoon told me that we should do a 'study date that doesn't count as an actual date' after we left the movie theater. It appears he wasn't that quiet as the others all agreed; however, he only meant for it to be just us.

Now I was getting ticked off as I tried to read over the same English paragraph for the tenth time in a row yet still couldn't register the words in my brain as Jungkook squeezed me from behind and Taehyung kept poking my cheek at random intervals. Hoseok and Jimin's loud laughs resonated around the room at the comedy they were watching.

The only ones who weren't quite so bothersome was Jin who was simply reading on the couch while holding hands with Yoongi who was silently scrolling through his phone. Namjoon was sitting across from me and was definitely ahead of me on the same English packet that we started at the same time an hour ago.

"You're getting annoyed again. Your eye is twitching." Taehyung's voice held a teasing lilt to it as he leaned forward and tried to catch my eye.

"Yes. Yes I am. Great observation skills Sherlock."

"Why thank you. It wasn't the hardest case to crack, but was a good warm-up for those particular skills."

"It seems your skills are lacking if you haven't noticed that you are contributing to the current plans of murder."

Namjoon let out a snort as Taehyung backed off with a gasp.

"How are you not bothered Joon?"

Namjoon glanced up at me before looking back down and letting his peach pink bangs brush over his eyes lightly before he swiftly swiped them away.

"You grow used to their presence."

Jungkook let out a cute chuckle in my ear as he rests his head on my shoulders. Previously he had rested his head on my back while he looked down and scrolled through his phone on his lap.

"Say, haven't you been on the same page for the past couple minutes."

I let out an aggravated sigh as Namjoon finally looked up and over my paper.

"Are you having trouble with it?"

"Yes? No? I don't know! I'm just not used to the loud noises and people around me. It's all irritating and I can't focus."

Jungkook's hold slightly loosened from around me as Namjoon gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry. I was annoying you huh." Jungkook's voice lowered dramatically and I could practically hear the pout that formed as he further detached himself.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I'm just- I don't know." I turned over my shoulder while grabbing hold of Jungkook's arm before it could unwrap from around my waist.

"I think you are a bit overwhelmed at the moment from the change of atmosphere and us being around you. Add on the addition of stress from the upcoming finals and you've brewed yourself a nice response. C'mere." Jin scooted over and patted the spot between him and Yoongi.

"I'm fine."

"It's only a small break. You've been studying for the past hour and you need to look away for a bit. Jimin lower the volume, why don't we all relax for a bit. That counts for you too, bookworm." Yoongi directed everybody with a calm attitude.

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