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Apparently Mina is a wizard at Uno. I had grown really close to all the girls and we all acted like we had known each other for the longest time by the end of the night. I felt bad that Solar had to miss out because someone had to be at the front, but I'll get to know her soon, hopefully. Jihyo's phone alarm went off and she said that it was time to head out. I bid goodbye to all the other girls as they waved and continued the game between them. I followed Mina and Jihyo out of the room before they said their goodbyes because they had to change. Walking up to the front, I greeted Solar.

"Alright then y/n. It's time for you to head out. How'd you think of everything so far?"

"It wasn't bad at all. I think it'll be fun working here. Thank you for hiring my Solar." (They had also mentioned that I should call them by their names because it'll be confusing calling them all unnie).

"It's no problem. You are already a good asset to the team. Keep it up and I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you too! Bye bye." I waved as I turned and head towards the entrance. Petting a couple of pets, I go through the front gate and put my shoes back on. Letting out one last wave, I exited the cafe and walk over to my scooter. Settling myself on it, I left the plaza and decided to stop by McDonald on the way and grab a quick meal of nuggets and fries.


Entering the apartment garage, I took my bag and food up to my apartment and entered quietly. Turning on the lights, I set my food on the counter before entering my room and setting my bag down. Grabbing my phone, I walk over to the kitchen, take out my food and bring them over to the couch. I slumped down and let out a breath of relief.

Today went great. The job was nice and I was excited to start.

Basically inhaling my food, I throw away my trash and take a moment to decide what to do. A Netflix marathon sounds really good right now, but I will suffer if I don't finish my assignments later.

Groaning at my subconscious telling me to do the right thing, I drag myself off the couch and grudgingly walk towards my desk. Making a list of what assignments I have to complete, I get started.


I finally finished the majority of my assignments, except art. I just didn't want to deal with cleaning up before the supplies dried, so I decided to finish it tomorrow.

Organizing all the assignments I completed into order and placed away neatly, I let out a yawn and checked the time. It was nearing 10 pm. I seriously worked on homework for that long? That's a record.

I just decided to finish the day by being productive...

I wasted it by binge watching YouTube and scrolling through my phone.


The next day was much like yesterday, just without waking up to three boys squeezing the life out of my limbs. It was only 8 am and my shift doesn't start any time soon so I just decided to laze around to pass the time. Eating a small breakfast and catching up on my dramas, I'd say it was a pretty good way to start the day.

At work, I got more training throughout the cafe and was able to start actually working during the last hour of the shift. The girls were very encouraging and easy to connect with. By the time I had to leave, I just didn't want to because of the animals and nice atmosphere.

I didn't even notice the day pass by so quickly. Getting home, I decided to continue my productivity and finish my art assignment.

Trust we when I say that this productivity ain't gonna last the whole year.

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