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Entering the small cafe, that I already grew accustomed to, I step up to the register and wait in the small line. There was a man ordering at the moment while a couple stood behind him and in front of me. The girl was loudly discussing what drink sounded good at the moment as the boy simply was looking over the bright menu above the cashier's head. I couldn't see their faces, but I think the guy seemed bored at the girl's constant chatter. The man upfront had moved aside after finishing his order, and the two in front of me stepped forward.

"What are you ordering?" I hear someone ask from behind me. I don't turn because I'm not sure if they were talking to me or a friend. I watch as the girl ordering sets a very specific order for a latte and the girl at the cashier listens attentively. I swear I saw the cashier's eye twitch as the list kept going. I'm pulled out of my amusement by a light tap on my shoulder.

Turning slightly, I see Jungkook and Hoseok standing behind me. My eyes bulge at the suddenly long queue of girl behind them in line. It was totally empty when I entered, thank gosh I came before Cosmetology let out. At least I'm guessing that's what class the girls came from.

"So, what are you ordering y/n?" Hoseok inquired.

"Oh, just a simple orange julius. You guys?" After I asked them, the girls behind them shut up and leaned forward. I swear their ears twitched forward as well.

"I'm planning on a Sprite." Hoseok responds giddily.

"Not sure. Maybe the same thing?" Jungkook replies after a moment or two.

"Well what are you craving? Something bitter? Fruity? Sweet?" I ask.

He looks to think for a moment before answering, "I don't know. Maybe bitter... but I also want something sweet."

"How about a caramel machiato?" Hoseok suggests.

"Good idea! That sounds good." Jungkook replies with a grin.

"Miss? Are you ready to order?" I hear a faint voice in front of me ask. Looking forward, the girl at the register gives me a questioning look.

"Uh, yeah. Can I have an orange julius?"

"What size?"

"A medium?"

She nods and adds the order into the system before saying, "Is that all? That will be ₩3000." I nod and give her the correct amount of money.

"Thank you. Can I get a name for your order?"

"Y/n." She writes my name on a cup and adds the receipt to it before setting it down and adding the money into the system.

"Your drink will come out soon. Have a great rest of your day." Her response sounds automatic but I smile in response and reply for her to have a good day too.

Walking over near the pick-up station, I stand to the side of the counter-top as I wait for my drink. Jungkook and Hoseok join me soon after and stand with me.

"She doesn't seem to like us." Jungkook whispers while holding in a laugh. I look at him questioningly before glancing at the girl's grim face as she tends to the next customer..

"I mean, we come to the cafe often, but we don't normally order anything unless it's before classes really let out. That's because there are always many girls who line up behind us. That cashier is a regular worker." Hoseok responds with a grin. I let out a small eye roll.

"You guys all get a lot of attention. Doesn't it ever bother you to have so many students staring at you and following you?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Well we just sort of grown accustomed to it. We just naturally have attention drawn to us." Hoseok responds in a nonchalant tone. Jungkook nods in agreement.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now