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The soft plump pillow that rested upon my lips didn't even register in my brain as my eyes were blown wide open and staring into Yoongi's relaxed ones.

Sparks flew everywhere instantly and the slight ache in my chest evaporated and left a feeling of light-headedness around me. The room brightened and those familiar tingles crawled up my spine and made me shiver in delight.

This wasn't a peck. This was a kiss.

And the difference?


I was held captive under Yoongi's gaze and he was the same. We were so enraptured in the depths of each others' eyes that I couldn't even register whatever the other guys were doing.

There was a constant buzz that shook around my brain and in my hazy state I just felt so relaxed and safe in my position with Yoongi. Now I understand whenever those stories mention the feeling of being the only two people in the world. It really felt like we were.

Yoongi's eyes began to relax into a soft and blissful gaze as mine mirrored it.

Happy signals went haywire in my brain and it was a feeling I never want to stop feeling.

It was too soon when an outside force pulled us away.

I felt like a magnet and Yoongi was the one I held a strong pull towards. I felt heavy without his magnetic field holding me up.

I let out a sound of protest as Yoongi instantly let out a muttered profanity. I watched as Jungkook easily held Yoongi in his hold with Jimin leaning in and whispering sweet words in Yoongi's ears.

"Sweetheart. Are you okay?" The voice was only a hush against the crest of my ear and I shivered in response. I tilted my head to glance over and see Taehyung's concerned face.

Turning a bit further, I note Jin instantly flashing a soft grin as his light hold on me tightened.


"Okay okay! Let go of me! I'm fine."

Our heads snapped over to see Yoongi brushing Jungkook's arms off him as he stood up straight.

Yoongi dusted himself off before grumpily plopping down in his seat once again.

I'm confused by the sudden actions from the others. Now that my mind was clear, I registered the wary ways the boys held themselves.

"What just happened?"

Yoongi snapped his troubled gaze towards me before they eased into a calmer look.

"I-Well We-"

"You bonded." Yoongi turned and scowled at Namjoon as the information hit me like a truck.

"W-what? That's- We bonded?"

Yoongi slowly turned back towards me before grimacing lightly.

"What does that mean?"

"You don't know how bonding works?" Hoseok tilted his head in genuine concern as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I know it's the stage that permits two soulmates to reach an emotional connection link, but normally it is very intimate and takes awhile to reach since both parties need to put their complete trust in one another."

I stare at Yoongi in astonishment. He avoided my glance and stared at the floor.

"Well yes, usually it is commenced during a private and intimate moment, but that is because that is normally the time two individuals place the most trust in each other."

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant