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I was currently juggling a bowl of cake batter with one hand while the other held a pan of cookies.

Helping out Seokjin's grandmother was definitely a risky call on my part. 

When I offered to help her bake, she was ecstatic and immediately threw an apron my way. She had already begun assembling several ingredients on the countertops and had a batch of brownies set in the oven when I arrived, so she already had a head start on things.

I should've listened to Jin's warning about his grandmother. At first, she was so sweet and thankful for my help, but then she asked me to do this and that and I simply couldn't refuse to help her. Of course, she was busy with other tasks as well, but she told me to do several things at once and my head spun as more tasks piled on.

My mind snapped back to my current predicament as the tray of cookies began to tip and I had to jolt to the side to stabilize them. Looking heaven-ward, I could practically hear Jin's words with a hint of an admonishing tone in my head.

"A bit of a heads up, y/n. I recommend you not to offer to help my grandmother in the kitchen. Dawon's learned that the hard way as have all of the boys. If you catch her at the wrong moment and offer help when she most needs it, she will latch onto you and basically make you her slave around the kitchen. If you choose not to listen to me, which you will already be punished for should you have gone farther than my instructions, I seriously order you not to spill anything or make a mistake. Like, at all. She will be sweet no more." He ended off with a shudder and a far away look before he turned to me and smiled gently at my panicked expression.

As I said, I should've listened.

"Dear, could you pass me the cookies please! Thank you- Oh and do set that cake batter on the counter. Think you can start icing the base of the Christmas sugar cookies? Shoot! I completely forgot to cut the shapes out of the snickerdoodles! Could you do that, too? You are such an angel!"

Her back was turned to me as she was setting the cookie tray snugly in the oven while also taking out a pie. She couldn't see the pure misery I was in, but I simply shuffled towards the counter to do as she asked. Multitasking on various things, I couldn't really enjoy the activity as I did my best to finish all the tasks set before me. The Christmas tunes that had been softly playing on repeat through the speakers were really starting to make my eye twitch as I did my best to ice with a stable hand. I simply mentally cried for my follies.


"Thank you so very much dear! You were such a great help and are officially off the hook!"

I let out a relieved sigh as I began to trek towards the exit until I heard her tell me to stop. I immediately felt my face pale as a wave of dread fell over my being. What now?

"Come over here and try one cookie of your choice! I normally never let anybody have a taste early, but you deserve a treat, sweetheart."

My eyes lit up as I eagerly bounded up to her as she laughed at my reaction before gesturing to the wide variety of cookies. I've iced so much and my mouth watered the entire time I decorated, so this was definitely something I wouldn't pass up.

I spotted one of the cookies that I iced and added a discreet extra eye on earlier to make it special. Choosing it, I instantly took a bite into the soft, gooey, warm treat and nearly moaned at how satisfying it tasted. It melted in my mouth and soothed my taste buds all while stimulating it with the sugar rush at the same time. The cookies were perfect and I definitely looked forward to stacking my plate high with them tomorrow.

Seokjin's grandmother laughed before commenting, "Just the same as everyone else! Glad to know I haven't lost my touch."

Sheepishly smiling, she patted my shoulder gently before shooing me out to get rest. Gladly following her orders, I stepped out and roamed the halls all while enjoying my reward. I took my time to glance into a couple rooms just to see if I could catch any of the boys or even Dawon's presence, but each one was empty. This was expected though as I could tell most of the guys rather stuck to either the bedrooms to relax or in one of the entertainment rooms instead of the study rooms.

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