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My screen flashed vibrantly and stated 'Finish!' as I watched Baby Luigi cheer in his cart before being hit by the blue shell Jungkook threw. I won.

We tied! Jungkook hasn't won yet!

"Oh man holy shi-"

I hear the game say 'Finish!' and glanced up to see Jungkook had just passed. He slammed the black remote beside him and frustratedly groaned as he threw his head back and pushed his right hand through his hair. I watch bewildered at how angry he appeared even with his eyes closed and teeth gritted. It was kind of hot. I mean not. Not hot. No way.

My attention goes over to the screen as I hear someone has passed the line again. Jimin passed in 5th place while Taehyung followed at 7th.

"Y/n you won!" Taehyung cheered. I don't think he cared that he was the last to pass the finish line out of the four of us.

"Aww. This is so rare to see our Kookie react to losing. How refreshing!" Jimin joked as he sidled up to Jungkook and brought his hand down from the grip on his hair. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and I swear that there was a fire within them.

"So... I guess this means one more race?" I tentatively asked as his eyes turned to slits. Oh dear. Being on the receiving end of his fury was terrifying.

His head suddenly got knocked forward which caused us to break eye contact.

"How dare you glare at y/n! You lost fair and square. Deal with it mister." Jimin scolded Jungkook before he crawled over to sit in front of me and placed both of my hands in his.

He played with my fingers as he sheepishly grinned and said, "You did really good! Nobody has ever gotten to tie with Jungkook. Now you just beat him in one more game you hear me. I shall root for you!"

"Not right now! My eyes hurt from staring at the screen too much! Let's snack a bit before watching you two race." Taehyung whined as he settled himself behind me and back hugged me. I didn't even notice him move.

"Good idea. My eyes burn too." Jimin agreed as he looked over the snacks and grabbed three Oreos before stuffing one right into his mouth. His cheek puffed up like a squirrel and he adorably chewed while offering one to me. I grinned and shook my head as he shrugged and continued his struggle to chew. I hear rustling behind me and turn to see Taehyung opening a pack of chocolate Pocky. He was struggling with opening the box due to the dim lighting.

I glanced over as a hand passed over between me and Jimin. The side of Jungkook's face covered Jimin's puffed up cheeks as he leans over me and scans the mass of food.

All three boys were crowding around me so I tried to scoot out of the way. My knee bumped into one of Jungkook's arms, which was keeping him steady, and he almost fell forward before quickly grabbing onto my thigh and righting himself. My face instantly burned at his hold while he turns to me and leans up close to my face.

"Now you're trying to trip me? You're feeling confident today aren't you?" He snarled into my face as his grip tightened.

"No! I was trying to move out of your guys' way from the food! I was in the way so I accidentally bumped into your arm when I attempted to scoot out. I'm sorry." I rapidly explained as his face instantly softened due to my rambling.

"Oh. I'm sorry for being rude. I'm just frustrated that I had lost." It was like a complete 180 attitude compared to his reaction moments ago. Jungkook's grip loosened as he looked at me apologetically.

"I-It's okay. But could you, well, back up?" I whispered as he didn't appear to be moving anytime soon. His eyes widened at the proximity of our faces and his grip on my knee instantly let go, but this caused him to lean forward and kiss the tip of my nose.

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