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Abruptly pausing my walk, I see the owner of the hand being a girl with long ebony hair. Her eyes were very flashy due to her smoky eyeshadow around her cat like eyes. She had done her makeup very well based on the shadowing on her cheekbones and her subtle nude lipstick. She wore a simple black and white striped crop top, which showed a bit of her stomach, along with high-waisted white skinny jeans. She had on a pair of black converse and had many bracelets on the hand in front of my face.

Due to my questioning look, she rolls her eyes and drops her hand. "You can't sit with them. They don't let anyone outside of their group sit at their table, and that includes you. Just because you sat with them yesterday doesn't mean you can just join them without their permission."

"How do you know that? I know them well enough to be able to sit with them."

"Oh honey, I'm just saving you the embarrassment of having to be denied a seat at their table. It was really the surprise to see Taehyung Oppa bring you to the table yesterday, but if you have any plans with them, you shouldn't count on them."

Honestly, I was kind of amused at her stopping me. I mean, I internally cringed when she said Oppa but it was funny to see her annoyance growing the longer I stood there and stared at her with a poker face. I knew her words were not exactly true because I got Taehyung and Jungkook's permission to sit with them, so this girl was just spewing nonsense.

"Hey! Stop staring at me and lea-" I just sidestepped her and speed walked to the table.

"Jimin! Hey!" I yelled to get their attention. Jimin looked up from his seat and waved as I smiled. Not long after taking a few more steps, I felt my backpack tugged back abruptly. Luckily, again, none of my food dropped but I knew the girl would follow me. She forced me to turn and I put a poker face on again.

"What did I just say! Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" She was exclaiming her words with wild hand gestures in my face.

"I'm sorry. I thought the conversation was over. Okay actually, I just didn't want to listen. I don't even know who you are. Don't touch me or my belongings either." I snapped back and she was furious.

"How dare you! My name is Haewon. Ring a bell? I'm pretty well known around the school and you are already picking a fight with me. That's not going to bode well for you." She smirked and crossed her arms.

Her smirk faltered once I felt a presence behind me, and a hand pat my head gently.

"Excuse me. That was very rude of you to pull on her backpack. Trust me, we all saw that act. Now leave her alone and stop threatening her with your so called "popularity". I already forgot your name." I didn't turn, but I could tell the voice belonged to Namjoon. I still kept a straight face, but wanted to laugh due to her awe-struck expression. After a few seconds with no response from her, Namjoon placed a hand on my shoulder and led me towards the table.

Quickly glancing behind me, she seemed to be blushing from embarrassment as the girls around her scolded her for her behavior against another student. They are only admonishing her because Namjoon did. She looked up at me with her eyes narrowed and I yelled, "Have the day you deserve." In other words, let karma sort out her future.

A squeeze on my shoulder had me look over and see Namjoon smiling at my response but his eyes were kept on the table we just arrived at. He let go of my shoulder and I walked over to the only open seat by Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Are you okay? That was a harsh tug." Hoseok asked as I set my food on the table and laid my bag on the floor.

Rolling my shoulders a bit, I gently smile at him and say "I'm fine. Honestly she pulled lighter than Taehyung did this morning in art. That one was harsh."

The others instantly looked at Taehyung while his eyes widened. "Yah! It wasn't that harsh! It was for fun too. Tell them it wasn't that harsh." He whined more as the others started playfully scolding him. I chuckled and ate my food. Looking over, the girl wasn't there anymore, but I hoped the others weren't too rude to her just because Namjoon stepped in a bit. I mean she was rude, but she could've said worse. Or not. I don't know.

"Hey y/n. Want a strawberry?" Jimin asked, which caused my attention to go over to him from beside Namjoon. He held up a fresh strawberry and had a gentle smile on his face. I nodded and he handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said and took a bite out of it as he beamed in response. It was very sweet and lightened my mood up due to the natural sugar from the fruit. I slowly start to eat my food as Jimin and Jungkook conversed with me about a rematch in Mario-Kart. Taehyung was playing some kind of hand-game with Hoseok so he didn't join the conversation.

I was adamant to stay in and get comfortable in my apartment for the rest of the week.


At the end of the conversation they convinced me to stop by Jimin's apartment on Thursday since tonight and tomorrow I would be busy. How they convinced me?

Persuasion, Manipulation, and Puppy-dog eyes.

Or in Namjoon's words, "They are master engineers of outcomes."

Recalling how happy they were when I finally gave in and said we could have a rematch later this week, it was very cute to see both boys cheering and Taehyung joining in even though he didn't know what for. Walking by Namjoon now to English, I feel tired because I planned on staying in to enjoy the atmosphere of my dorm and catching up on the drama I was watching since lately I have been out, but nope. It appears not.

I heave out a sigh as we enter the classroom and Namjoon chuckles at my defeated expression.

"If you really don't want to hang out with them on Thursday, you don't have to. Don't force yourself to either. I can tell them to give you space; they'll understand, don't worry."

"No no. It's fine. I already said I would so I'll keep to my word. It's not forcing myself, it just means I would have to have social interaction outside of the campus." He chuckles at my response and I playfully frown at the thought.

"Yet you've been out to dinner with us after class yesterday? That's interaction. Oh yeah, and you are still coming to the cafe after your next class. It's where we all meet, and since we are neighbors, you might as well join us so we can all leave to the apartment complex together."

"But it was an offer to dinner at Panda Express! How could I refuse! And the cafe? But I have errands to do."

"You could still do those errands after having a snack break silly. Maybe take the maknaes with you and keep them entertained why don't you."

"Do I look like a baby-sitter?"

"I mean physically, most people are capable of baby-sitting. Not all, but most, so sure you do." I rolled my eyes at his smart response and he grins and pats my head. I freeze a bit at the gesture and make eye contact with Namjoon. He quickly brings his hand away from my head to cough into it and turns a bit towards the front of the room, where the professor was setting up.

"Sorry. I usually pat the others' heads when they get annoyed by my intellectual responses. It's just an automatic response."

I laughed softly and say, "That's okay Namjoon. You probably say a lot of lame answers anyway, no wonder you're used to patting the others' heads."

"Those are not lame answers! They are cleverly syntaxed sentence responses to a general question."

"Uh-huh." I replied and turned to the front as Professor Sora began her lesson.

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