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Sunday wasn't as eventful because I didn't get a chance to see the guys at all. I'm surprised how much of an impact they had already made in my life because I already felt like I missed them when I have barely known them.

At work, I completed my training and Solar complimented my ability to learn quickly. I already made connections with regular customers and the pets. Solar gave me my paycheck early even though I haven't even completed a full week of work. She said she is proud of my dedication and says that I deserve the paycheck. I thanked her profusely before leaving at the end of my shift.

Jihyo and Mina had invited me to go shopping with them and their roommates today. I agreed since I already finished all my assignments and didn't have any plans. After quickly changing at home, I met up with the girls at the mall and we had a fun time window shopping.

By the time I returned home, I had several bags in my arms and was exhausted beyond belief. This whole week I have always been doing something each day and I guess that took a toll on me. I slept early and that was basically how my Sunday went.


Several weeks have passed by since the first day of college. Throughout the weeks, I have definitely grown closer to the 'Bangtan Boys'. I've just grown accustomed to their antics and it seems the general population of students from the campus have accepted the fact that I am allowed to sit with them on my own free will. 

There were a few problems that came from girls confronting me about the boys, but they were handled with one or more of the guys always backing me up. It was weird how they instantly knew when I felt troubled and helped me handle the situation. 

I've also grown closer to the girls, who I learned call their group 'Twice'.

My only real problem was that I noticed that I was starting to stray from Jennie and her friends. I rarely have made any contact with them except by greeting each other when passing in the hall. Sometimes I miss Jennie's presence, but I honestly haven't missed her that much. Don't get me wrong, she was an amazing friend in grade school, but I felt that our friendship was more of a necessity because we have been childhood friends... and she was really the only friend I had.

My parents knew hers from high school. They reconnected when dropping Jennie and I off at school one day and since then we were forced on playdates. We got along just fine, but it felt more artificial than anything. Jennie had always been pretty popular because of her beautiful physique and fun attitude. I liked to stick more to the side and had good connections with everyone, just not close ones.

In high school, I more or less ignored the general population because I was working hard to improve my education and learn more about computer coding. I didn't have that many friends, and I was fine with that, but Jennie always stuck to me and I am grateful for her.

But I could feel that it was more out of pity than anything.

I'm partially glad that she doesn't stay with me because I could tell it was a bit of a burden for her to stick with me sometimes. She always brought up the idea of me socializing and befriending more people, but each time I responded by saying that I was fine how I was. Now she could stick with her own friends without having to drag me along and I'm happy she can.

Perhaps that's why I feel so overwhelmed with my friendship with the 'Bangtan Boys' and 'Twice'.

However, Jisoo has spoken to me a lot more lately. The thing I noticed was that she always seemed to slip in an inquiry about the boys. I answer as best I could, but it's not my place to really tell details about them. As suspicious as it sounds, I think she only asks purely of curiosity like every other girl around. I guess the guys are pretty private about their lives.

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