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Yoongi's POV

Jin called a 'family meeting' as soon as Namjoon reported that they had no luck talking with y/n.

I swear I saw her everywhere I turned today. She was always rushing around and peeking over her shoulders and I couldn't help but feel worse.

I finally dragged myself out of bed and solemnly walked over to Jin's room. Entering, I notice everyone else was already here and situated. At my arrival a couple turned, but made no comment as I slowly shut the door and walked my way over to the empty armchair across from Jin.

They definitely kept to their words on keeping up this silent game, however Jin kept dragging me with them during breaks and at lunch. The others didn't speak to me, but being in their presence was enough of a punishment because their silent treatment left me feeling guiltier as I sat their twiddling my thumbs.

"Alright. Now that we are all here, the first topic of discussion is Jeju."

"Jeju?" Jimin asked for all of us.

"Jiju?" Jin asked confused.

"What is Jiju?"

"That girl that was a part of this whole mess! I don't even recall her name."

"Jisoo." Namjoon answered.

"Ah yes, her. In any case, she can't just be left with a clean record. No no."

"I already have the audio saved onto my laptop and was itching to hit that damn 'post' button."

"I think we should wait before posting. I think we should confront her first and explain that we know what she did. Play a little of the 'anxiety card' on her and make sure she knows she fucked up." Hoseok answered eerily calmly. He almost never responds to anything calmly.

"Hyung, that's dark... but brilliant. I love it." Jimin agreed with a smirk.

"I don't know... I mean I agree with confronting her about the whole scene so she knows she's not off the hook, but I think we should take y/n's reaction to consideration. Would she want us to post it?" Taehyung had his thinking cap on. Metaphorically of course.

"Of course she would." Jungkook responded as if it was obvious.

"I don't know. She has her own copy of the audio too, so why hasn't she." 

We all took a moment to consider his words. 

"I may not have known her long enough, but you guys have to have noticed her dislike of attention since the beginning of the year. This whole thing made it worse, but by posting that audio, it would bring the gossip back up."

"I guess you have a point Taehyung." Jin agreed.

"Then we at least confront her. I'll always be ready to hit 'post'. I'm just surprised she got involved. Yoongi. You could have prevented it from getting this far since you 'knew' she was lying. I still can't believe-"

"Namjoon. Right now is not the time to point fingers. Now we move on to the next topic of discussion. Y/n."

At her name, I felt a wash of regret. Anytime she was just anywhere, I always felt my heart wince. I couldn't blame just the soulmate bond.

"I miss her and she's only about four doors down." Taehyung sighed out. The others were grieving and I hated how this turned. I would have been perfectly fine if I was the only one having to grovel for y/n's trust, but the others had to suffer for my idiocy.

"We all do too, love, but it's our fault as well." Jin gently stroked Taehyung's hair as Taehyung leaned against his broad shoulder.

"We all fucked up. We knew she wouldn't easily come back to us. We need to be the ones to step up and make an effort unlike the last few times where she was the only one."

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