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An hour into the movie I was already dozing off and kept trying to stay awake by attempting to follow the plot. I already knew what happened, and I'm sure the others do as well, so it wasn't something to keep my focus on for long. After my head fell backwards and I jolted it forwards again for the nth time, I decide to see how the others were doing.

They were all sleeping. None of them were trying to stay up like me, they all just went straight to sleep. I decide to clear the table and drinks from the table so I could occupy my mind with something. Getting up was a challenge since my legs were tired as well. Clearing up the table wasn't challenging but I had to make about three trips to bring everything. I just threw the bowls away and put the cups in the sink. No lights were on since we agreed to turn off the lights a bit after the movie started. Making my way to the couch, I get a clear view of the guys all cuddled with each other.

Yoongi fell asleep on Namjoon's shoulders as Namjoon had his head thrown back against the loveseat. His neck would cramp by morning if he left it at that position. Taehyung and Jimin both had their heads leaning on Jungkook's shoulders as they each cuddle an arm tightly. Jungkook just slept with his head leaning on Taehyung's. Jin had an arm wrapped around Hoseok's waist as Hoseok's face was buried in Jin's neck. Jin had his head atop Hoseok's. I couldn't help but snap a few pictures. It was adorable.

My phone was almost dead, yet it showed the time was 10 minutes until midnight. I knew these guys were tired, yet they insisted on staying and watching a movie. I turned off the television and put the living room lights on a dim setting. 

Now, how to wake them is the question.

I nervously glance at their peaceful faces. They still look amazing even in their sleep. Wow. 

I need to get them up because for one, sleeping on the couch isn't the best position to be in, two, we have classes and they probably have schedules to follow, and three, I really shouldn't have seven guys over in my apartment this late at night.

I'm tired myself and just want them out at this point so I can rest. Who should I try to wake up first though? Out of all the guys, Namjoon or Jin would probably be my best solution since they can manage the group well. Namjoon has Yoongi sleeping next to him, and I am kind of scared to wake him. He seems like the type to be horribly grouchy if woken up.

At that conclusion, I lightly walked over to Jin and tap his cheek gently. He doesn't flinch when I start to tap quicker after no response.

"Jin. Wake up. Hello? Jin!" My whispers grew a bit louder, but to no avail. I decide to shake his shoulder, carefully avoiding hitting Hoseok, but his shoulders wouldn't budge. I wasn't putting much effort in shaking but they wouldn't move. Weird flex but okay. I had an idea but it was just cause it randomly popped up.

"Jin? The cookies are burning and there is a fire in the kitchen!" I whispered loudly in his ear. Maybe it'll work.

His eyes open abruptly. He looks around his surroundings frantically before his eyes fall on my smiling form.

"That actually worked? Are you awake now?"

"What do you mean if I'm awake now? Yes I am." His voice was low and gravelly.

"Great! Please help me get the guys to wake up. It's late and you guys should head back to your rooms soon."

"Oh. What time is it?" He gently straightened his posture and laid Hoseok's head on his lap.

"It's almost 12. I also need to use the restroom."

"Really? I'll get them up. You can go freshen up, I got them." I nod and quickly head to the bathroom and swiftly go over my night routine of brushing and washing up.

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