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Not too long later, I hear the door open and quiet footsteps pad across the room. Looking up, I see Namjoon walking over with a small smile and a fresh face. His eyes are slightly puffy though and have a red-rim around them, telltale signs for someone who had cried. I grinned as his face slightly turned red due to my attention being focused on him.

"Did you finish the tissue box?" I joked as he groaned and threw himself into his previous spot next to me.

"Don't tell the others I cried. I watched the movie alone before. Can't believe I cried again even though I knew what would happen." He muttered out the last part as I stifled a giggle at his depressed state.

"I won't tell them unless I need to. Don't cross me now Namjoon, because I have blackmail on you."

He rolled his eyes and asked, "So have you finished it?"

"Yep. I'm surprised I finish it all today but once I got the groove of things, I just kept going."

"I can look it over in case you have anything needing to be fixed." I nodded and handed him the packet while he flipped back to the first page and grabbed my pencil while scanning the page. I sighed and stood up before stretching.

Walking over to my phone to set up some music, I ask, "Want anything to eat or drink?" I look over to see him shaking his head, still focused on the page. I shrugged and walked out of the room to grab myself a bottle of banana milk. Popping in the straw through the aluminum cover I head back into my room to see he has already flipped the page.

Walking over to my desk, I look over my sketch on the unfinished art project. Since Namjoon seemed occupied, I bring my pencil to the paper and add more details to the drawing by referencing the picture on my phone. We both worked quietly with just the music I set up playing softly in the background.

As I am so very immersed into my art, I jolt in my seat once a hand is placed on my shoulder, startling me. Looking over my shoulder, I quickly direct my attention upwards because of Namjoon's tall stature. He was literally towering over my seat as he was looking at what I was working on. It was a realistic image of the plant we were assigned to draw in class. I didn't get to the painting part, but at the moment I am satisfied with the realistic proportions of the dahlia. The actual flower was a pretty gradience of a soft yellow at the center spreading to pastel orange at the tips of the flower.

"That's really good." Namjoon stated in wonder.

I glance at my drawing a bit flustered and mutter a small 'Thanks.'

"Well, you only had a few minor errors but overall your writing looks good. Your English already isn't too bad." Namjoon grinned and placed the packet on an open space atop the table.

"Thanks Namjoon. I really appreciate the help."

"Why not call me Joonie. I'll allow you to."


"Sure, I should start heading out. Jin probably has dinner about ready. Why not come over?"

I stood up from my desk and softly shake my head while responding, "I'm fine. I need to finish this assignment. Thanks for the offer Joonie. I'll walk you to the door." He nodded as I led the way out of my room to the front door.

"Again, thank you for the help. If you ever need help, you can ask me as well." I grinned as I opened the door. He took a few steps out and turned to me with a smile.

"It was not a problem at all. If anything, it also helped me understand what I should improve on as well. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help on anything. I'll be your study buddy." I put a thumbs up in response.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now