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I arrived to campus early again. Hopping off my scooter and slinging my bag over my shoulder, I bound my way across the courtyard. Many students were walking or standing around in groups or alone. Since I had about 10 minutes to spare, I just trailed the path around the campus while listening to music. Now that I think about it, when do the guys even leave in the morning? I've never bumped into them on my way out. I may just have left earlier or later than they do. I'll ask some other time.

Noticing students starting to split up from their friend groups or stand up from benches, I conclude that it's about time to head in. Walking over to the Fine Arts Building and joining the crowd, I enter with lots of people bustling around me through the narrow entrance doors. The lobby revealed many people milling around towards their own destinations. I continue to stroll through my path up the stairs as many people bustle around me, chatting loud enough to hear them over my music. My fingers brush the banister lightly as I pretend they are running up. Rolling my eyes at the two girls loudly gossiping behind me, I reach the top of the stairs and decide to just people-watch over the ledge for the remaining few minutes. Leaning my weight over the railing, I notice small details among the students.

Two guys were holding hands as they entered from the same side entrance as I did. One was blushing brightly and frantically kept glancing around. The other one confidently led the way and made sure the timid boy wouldn't separate from him by guiding him closely through the crowd. I watched the shy boy's lips curve into a shy smile as the other pulled him closer. They disappeared down another hallway underneath the stairs so I lost my view of them. They were adorable.

Looking around again, I see some guy barrel through the main entrance while laughing. He stopped at the center of the lobby and stared behind him. Following his gaze, I see a small chubby girl run in and look around. Her gaze had locked on the boy and she made her way to him with an annoyed glare. The boy cockily grinned and wiggled his eyebrows as she drew closer. They exchanged a few words, that I couldn't hear from where I was, before she suddenly lunged towards the boy reaching for his hand. The guy rapidly raised his arms while backing up a few steps as the girl tried reaching for it with her face growing red with annoyance. It appeared the boy was holding a phone with a lavender phone case. He continued teasing her by occasionally lowering his hand before shooting it back up. I began to grow annoyed just watching the boy tease her but he soon brought it down to her as she started to turn around and leave. Even from where I was standing, I could tell the guy was saying that 'it was a joke'. She had whipped around and grabbed the phone from the guy's hands before he could react and stomped her way down another hallway. The part that shocked me was that the boy was watching her leave, almost, endearingly? He even had a small blush coated on his face and a tiny smile before he shook it off and fast walked out of the main doors. Nani?

The crowd was starting to thin out and I took a glance on my watch to show I had about 6 minutes left. About to turn around, I noticed a sudden increase of people entering the main entrance. Mostly girls, they kept looking behind them and I could hear their squealing from here. Curious as to what is going on, I turn my body back to see what was going on. It was a couple of seconds later that I finally see what the ruckus was over.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi entered the building with bored expressions and tired eyes. They each had a Starbucks drink in their hand and looked like celebrities from their entrance and the many 'fans'. Hoseok was in the center and wore a simple maroon shirt with khaki shorts. Namjoon was to his right and wore a black button up tucked into dark blue skinny jeans. Yoongi had a light grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. They all strolled their way to the hallway underneath the stairs. I just watched in awe by how cool they look. They didn't give off the same vibes as they did when they goofed off at the end of the day in the cafe.

I was pulled out of my thoughts abruptly by being tased on my ribs. Jumping forward and hitting the railing against my stomach, I keel over and turned to see Taehyung with wide eyes and a sheepish smile.

"Taehyung! Your fingers basically dug into my skin! Were you trying to poke a hole through my ribs!" I whine as I feel the area start to throb on my ribs and waist.

"I'm sorry! I guess I didn't realize my own strength. Gosh I keep hurting you!" He instantly kneeled down and looked up at me with a pout.

"Where did you even come from? We have to head to class." I stated as I leaned upright again, wincing at the pain from the railing. Taehyung stood up as well and followed me as I led the way to our classroom.

"I saw you when I entered with the hyungs. I sneakily rushed up the stairs because you didn't see me so I thought I'd scare you." I hummed in response. I guess he was ducking under the banister as he scurried his way up, I really didn't realize.

Upon arriving at the door, he rushed over and grabbed hold of the handle before opening the door and allowing me in first. I nodded in thanks as I passed him and made my way to my seat immediately.

Momo and Chaeyoung happily greeted me as I winced while taking a seat because the desk lightly brushed my side. Recovering quickly, I turn and greet them softly before setting out my art project and supplies. I heard Taehyung setting himself on his seat and the rustling that ensued told me that he was rummaging through his bag.

"You okay y/n?" Momo tentatively asked as I set my backpack down on the ground with my face scrunched due to my minor injury.

"I'm perfectly fine! Why wouldn't I be?" I grinned to accompany my lie.

"Uh-huh. 'Fine' totally applies to you wincing by just dropping your bag onto the floor."

"I might've accidentally bumped into the stair railing."

"Really? Accidentally?" I nodded with a bright grin while they giggled and rolled their eyes.

"Can you sit with us today? Please, I want to introduce you!" Chaeyoung changed the subject. She looked at me with pleading puppy eyes and crossed her hands in front of her. Why am I such a sucker for the damn puppy eyes! I glanced behind me to Taehyung who had a pout on his face. Once my attention was turned to him, his eyes instantly lit up.

"I'm going to sit with them today. I promise we'll hang out in the cafe after classes today but I want to meet some people. Is that okay?"

"I guess. But didn't Jin pack you a lunch."

"Dang it, you're right. Maybe I'll eat it in the cafe? I'll save lunch for that time. Can you let them know TaeTae, in case I can't." I used his nickname and, at that, he nodded slowly with a smile. I gave him a small brief hug in response before backing up with a grin. I see his smile brighten before I turned back to Momo and Chaeyoung and nodded excitedly.

Chaeyoung cheered while Momo leaned over to me and mumbled, "Why do you need to ask for permission?"

"I- I don't know. I just feel obligated to since I'm always around them? And it's not necessarily permission but a heads up..." I state so that I could also convince myself? I guess they are my first friends around the campus since I've hung around them whenever I've had the time? I'm pulled out of my thoughts as the professor announces the start of class.


A/n: Even though I continue to edit, I always seem to find a new mistake >.< Did you know that I am really great at procrastinating. Just like I am now to give you guys a chapter. Heehee, but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT. IK I CAN'T UPDATE OFTEN, BUT I STILL THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING AHHH. THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS AND VOTES, IT MADE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER. How the heck did this story suddenly grow overnight??? I can't believe how many readers suddenly popped outta nowhere. Wowie wow!

Do you guys have a favorite number? I like the number 24 just because of how many factors it has. I am being a nerd again >.<

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