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It was like an explosion of tingles burst from my heart and a rush of adrenaline ran through my system. I was startled by the happiness that overflowed from the stimulus of the kiss. It was, what you could say, euphoric. The world grew brighter in my eyes and Yoongi suddenly looked so ethereal. His eyes encased mine as I sunk deeper into the chocolate color of his irises.

The kiss was no more than a peck, but it had this much affect?

Yoongi was the one who pulled back first. The fireworks halted, but the memory of the feeling still stood strong.

We stared at each other, wide-eyed.

That wasn't a normal kiss. It couldn't be.

That was the kiss between soulmates.

Yoongi was my soulmate.

He suddenly stumbled just a bit backwards on the step before shaking his head and rushed forward to go down the stairs.

Except, he stood right on my foot.

He lost his balance and immediately began to tumble down.

Everything was a torrent of movements and it was only a few seconds later that he was sprawled out at the bottom of the steps.


A flurry of footsteps ran towards Yoongi and I see familiar body forms. Of the boys.

I don't even notice the throbbing of my foot as I rush down.

"Yoongi! What happened!" Hoseok freaked out as Jin and Namjoon check Yoongi's state. Jimin and Taehyung stood to the side, shocked. Once I reached the very last step, I jump back as Jungkook walks over to me and burst out in anger.

"What the fuck is your problem? Who does this? You tripped him, didn't you? You're messed up, you know that. I can't believe I actually thought you were a friend. If you weren't a girl, I would sock you so hard right now. You will be held liable if something goes wrong. Consider yourself done with us." He shoves my shoulders just a bit before turning and returning to the group.

"We need to get him to a hospital, stat. He's unconscious. Go!" Namjoon exclaimed as he picked up Yoongi and rushed down the hall. The others instantly followed and soon enough, they were gone from the area. My backpack felt like it weighed a hundred pounds as my heart beat a mile a minute.

How did things escalate so quickly? I hear shuffling and turn to see a group of girls whispering near a corner. Shit, they saw. They were already glaring at me and stood in a defensive position.

I just fled out of the building because I needed air. I needed to escape.

I didn't see anyone outside once I exited. I let in huge gasps of air as I leaned against the wall of the building. Everything went horribly. I dropped to my knees and let out a few tears as the situation started to settle in my head.

Yoongi's my soulmate. Yoongi got in an accident. And I'm the most suspected suspect.

I have no evidence to prove that I didn't mean to do anything.

And not to mention, I just hope that Yoongi is okay. I could already feel the ache of the bond settle in me as he was torn away so soon. Once you find your soulmate, the need to be around them grows really strong to the point where it could physically take a toll on the body if the bond is strong enough.

Currently, I just felt immense guilt and a tight pressure on my chest as I worried about Yoongi.

My phone buzzing snapped me out of my reverie as I whip it out. It was a call from Chaeyoung.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now