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I was depressingly shoveling a handful of cheetos into my mouth as I snuggled into Jimin's chest. Jimin was affectionately petting my hair as he muttered about 'Jungkook being a meanie' while Taehyung was rubbing soothing circles on my back.

Jungkook entered the fort again with a cupcake topped with a whole lot of whipped cream on a plastic plate. He grinned widely at me as he sat right in front of our little cuddle group. I grumbled as Jimin and Taehyung playfully glared at Jungkook.

"You guys make me feel like I committed some cardinal sin." Jungkook pouted.

"Can't believe you won. You legit threw Baby Luigi straight off the course right at the finish line! Like right there!" Jimin exclaimed as he tightened his hold on me. Taehyung nodded in pity while I frowned at the memory.

"Hey all's fair in a Mario Kart race."

"Uh sure, but not when you purposely timed the right moment to KO Baby Luigi right off the course." Jungkook placed one hand up in mock surrender since the other was holding the cupcake.

"Come accept your fate my dear y/n."

"No~" I whined as I cringed at having to actually be caked in the face.

"A deal's a deal." I pouted as I slowly scooted out of Jimin and Taehyung's arms.

"No y/n. You can't. You may not make it. Don't leave us." Taehyung dramatically pleaded as I almost giggled but kept my composure.

"No. I have to. I made my mistake and now... I have to accept the consequences. I already miss you guys." I slowly released my hold of their hands.

Jimin suddenly grabbed my left hand and cried, "You can't! It's too much of a risk. I can't lose you. Not again y/n." I choked back a laugh as I saw Jimin almost slip out a giggle after his statement.

"Time is ticking." Jungkook pointed out as he rolled his eyes.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Taehyung stood up on his knees and cried out as I settled myself in front of Jungkook.

"Really?" Both Jungkook and I stated at the same time.

Taehyung sheepishly grinned as he lowered himself to a sitting position beside Jimin and responded "Uh well. I thought I would add something dramatic. Sorry, continue."

I gasped and responded, "How could you leave me to handle this alone!" Both boys lets out small grins and shrugs. I slowly turned to Jungkook trying to show off my best puppy eyes.

"Why do I feel guilty? Oh wait, I don't."

Jungkook slammed the plate into my face with no warning whatsoever. I instantly closed my eyes by default a split second before the whip cream made contact with my face. The plate instantly fell onto my lap along with the bread of the muffin, but a load of whip cream was stuck on my face.

There was a moment of silence before all of the guys burst out laughing. I couldn't see anything because I didn't want to risk getting any of the cream in my eye and having it sting like crazy afterwards. That didn't stop me, however, from opening my mouth and tasting the whip cream. It was of course sweet, but didn't do much justice to the sticky feeling on my face. I pouted as I tried to reach my hands around looking for a cloth or napkin of some sort.

A hand suddenly gripped my shoulder and a gentle cloth wiped my forehead. The cloth moved efficiently and soothingly as whoever held the cloth softly brushed the whip cream off my face. They finally brushed the cream from my left eye and I peeked it open.

Jungkook's face was right in front of my face. He looked so serious as he focused on scrubbing the cream from my right eye. I probably could feel his breath brushing my cheeks due to his close proximity, but of course the whip cream got in the way. I flinched when he pressed down a bit hard over my eyelid. This seemed to capture his attention as he backs up a few inches and notices me watching him.

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