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Actually, with Namjoon's brief mini lecture, I think I passed. Barely, perhaps, but I knew a majority of the answers. Currently, I was counting down the minutes for Computer Science to end. Professor Moni was droning on with a lecture while half the class looked to be asleep. I was almost getting there too. 

I just left my phone to record the audio of the lecture so I could replay it later.

I was startled awake as I heard Professor Moni state, "Okay okay. It's the end of the day. I know half of you are almost asleep. Get out of here, you lot!"

Sounds of shuffling filled the room as people moved around, packing up and leaving. Placing my journal into my bag and zipping it up, I stand up and push in my chair.

Just as I slipped my phone into my pocket, I hear someone say "Hey y/n."

I look over to where Jisoo was smiling as she stood up and zipped up her bag.


"So, how was your day today?"

"It was fine. You know, Mondays just aren't everyone's day."

"Ain't that the truth! Say, have you seen Jimin's adorable new headphones! I noticed them today. Do you know where he got them from?"

Discreetly rolling my eyes at yet another question, I reply, "Not really sure? I never asked. Probably Amazon?"

"Amazon. That makes sense. How much did they cost?"

"I said I never asked? I don't know." I tried not to sound as rude as the statement sounded, but I still saw her flash a slight glare before revealing a bright grin again. I notice that she changes expressions easily whenever she didn't like my answers. It makes me uncomfortable around her, but she's never been rude. Just artificial.

"Hey y/n." I turn to the source of the deep voice. My eyes widen a bit at the presence of Yoongi.

He glances at Jisoo before turning back to me and asking, "Can I talk to you? I need to discuss something with you."

Slowly nodding my head, I picked up my bag and bid Jisoo a brief farewell. She returned it politely as I followed Yoongi out of the room. He led us down several corridors before stopping near the halls on the opposite side of the building. Nobody was around and the area he chose was at the end of one hall, near a set of stairs that led down to a hallway leading towards the lobby of the building's first floor. So it's safe to say, we were pretty secluded.

He leaned against the stair railing as I fidgeted near the wall across from him. The area was dimly lit, and there weren't any windows around. Two classrooms were located in the hall but then it opened up to the main corridor that looped around the building.

"So, why did you bring me here?"

"Look. Don't think too much about yesterday. It really shouldn't have meant anything."

I was shocked at his statement.

"W-why would you say that?"

"In case you were thinking anything special about my actions. Don't think of me being closer to you."

"I- What? I'm confused here? I really want to thank you for what you did yesterday."

"Yeah. But that doesn't mean I'm fond of you or anything. I just did it because..."

"Because what? You think I'm here to win your affections? Look, I can honestly say that my goal was never to benefit myself from knowing and befriending you guys. Do you think so low of me, because that's what it's starting to sound like."

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