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The tinkling sound of the familiar tune of 'Jingle Bells' rang throughout the air which signaled the clock striking twelve. I almost scrambled out of my seat in happiness for my freedom but contained myself as I politely faced the group of ladies before me.

The three females across from me were still engaged in discussion as Jimin's mother held up a finger signaling to give them a minute.

I wanted to return the sign but with a different finger and meaning.

"Y/n. Hey, I'm sorry we left you out a bit when we started talking about recipes."

I glanced over as Dawon gave me an apologetic smile as Seokjin's grandmother leaned forward and had a frown.

"Yes, I am so sorry, dear. It's just that once I get talking about a recipe, you can't simply stop the slew of words! We recently created three more recipes within the last couple months and have been slightly altering the ingredients in hopes to make it better. Trial and error is always a great way to learn and improve!"

I nodded and grinned in understanding of Seokjin's grandmother's enthusiasm. She seemed just as passionate as her grandson in the art of cooking and it made me happy to see such a similarity.

"It's completely fine! I understand the need to discuss a good topic when the opportunity comes up. You wouldn't imagine how many times Seokjin has raved over how to cook the perfect steak or when Namjoon goes on about the theory of evolution."

Both females chuckle in agreement before Seokjin's grandmother slows her chuckles and inquires, "You call them by their first names?"

I immediately tensed a bit as I nervously nodded.

"I never really used honorifics with them and they much preferred to be called by their names. It was a simple agreement."

"I see, that's understandable. Also, there is no need to be so wary of your actions around us, dear. I understand how terrifying it might be to meet us all together, but I assure you that everyone appreciates your presence and has looked forward to meeting you."

A faint blush appears as I glance away from her sweet and grandmotherly smile. She was exuding such a kind and safe aura that I felt the need to treat her with utmost respect and never upset her.

"I understand that. It's going to take me some time before I can loosen up, but you guys have already made me feel better. Thank you for that."

Dawon grinned as she patted my back lightly. The gesture was small but made me feel happy and accepted, especially when it came from Hoseok's older sister.

"Oh, the time passes by so fast! Why don't we all congregate into the dining room for a brief lunch?" Namjoon's mother stood up and lightly brushed down her outfit before gesturing towards the doors.

"Sounds lovely."

Everyone soon stood up and we began to exit. I watched as the three mothers walked out together while Dawon helped ease Seokjin's grandmother up. I slightly bit my lip in contemplation of whether I should catch up to the ladies or help the two next to me, however it was already too late as the three stepped out.

I let out a low sigh as I immediately helped ease Seokjin's grandmother up and assisted in steadying her footing.

"Thank you so much, dears. Those three always walk off without a pause. No decency whatsoever."

I let out a small smile as I followed behind the two that led the way since I had no sense of direction. Seokjin's grandmother continued to go off on a tangent regarding respect and proper etiquette before slowing down her words and taking a deep breath.

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