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The guys didn't stay too late because they insisted on letting everyone rest early.

It felt really weird saying goodbye to them at the doorstep. They seemed a bit hesitant when hugging me and didn't try to kiss me. I knew my parents were peeking in to watch behind my back as clearly indicated by the boys' brief glances behind me before zoning back onto me with small smiles.

Taehyung was the last one to say goodbye and he held me as tight as he always did which made me sigh with content in his hold. I felt him bury his face into my shoulder as his arms squeezed ever tighter. It took a bit before Jin had to wrangle him off.

He looked like a kicked puppy once he finally released me and couldn't return due to Jin's tight hold on the back of his hoodie.

"We've got to go. We're going to see her tomorrow, Tae."

"I know but I don't wanna go."

My composure cracked a bit as I saw Taehyung's saddened eyes and lips jutted out in a pout.

"Oh, TaeTae... C'mere." I took the initiative to step forward and cup his face gently between my fingers. His eyes only focused on mine compared to the others' who kept glancing behind me.

"You'll be alright. I'll be fine, too. Won't be long, will it now?"

Taehyung sulkily nodded as I took mercy and leaned up to place my lips upon his.

We both automatically shivered as tingles lit up our systems. My breath was taken away as I began to press forward a bit more just to send a reassuring message through. Taehyung sighed softly and began to wrap his arms around my waist.

Then we both felt a hand upon our foreheads and were instantly separated. 

Opening my eyes automatically in shock, I see my father standing between us with his arms crossed and a tick in his forehead.

"Honey, no! They were being so sweet! Get back in here!" My mom instantly stormed up to my dad before gripping his ear tightly and forcefully dragging him back inside as he kept saying 'ow' and trying to intimidatingly cast a look between me and the guys.

His intrusion was short lived as the door was slammed shut and we were finally left alone.

It was only a couple seconds of stillness until I smacked a hand upon my forehead in dismal and apologized with, "I apologize for my parental units. I thought I warned them to 'be cool'. I forgot they don't understand anything."

"Don't blame them, sweetheart. I like your family."

I glanced up but immediately noticed all the guys trying to hide their snickers behind their hands.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys should go before it gets too late. Thanks for being so, uh, cooperative with them today. I again apologize if they made you guys uncomfortable."

"You shouldn't apologize for anything. They are your family and we should be the ones apologizing in case they felt uneasy around us. They truly are pleasant people to be around and don't even worry about our impression on them. We'll try harder to be in your dad's favor and make friends with your brother. Your mother was so kind, as well. You have a lovely family and I'm glad to see that."

I was at a loss for words as Yoongi was the one to speak up rather than Namjoon. The others looked at Yoongi with awe and slight concern but nevertheless nodded in agreement.

"You shouldn't be standing out here for too long, it's cold. You should have at least worn a jacket." Jin tsked as he removed his own fluffy jacket from his shoulders. I was about to refuse since I'll literally be inside within three steps, but he already wrapped it around me snugly.

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