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"And we are here!"

"Finally!" Jungkook cheered as he grabbed my shoulders and frantically shook me in excitement. My head wobbled back and forth as I tried to get him to stop.

"Let's go!"

Jungkook released me abruptly and immediately attempted to squeeze out from the back row to exit the vehicle. Jimin and I looked at each other as soon as Jungkook left and rolled our eyes at his energy.

Soon enough we all piled out of the car and when I was about to look around, a familiar hand covered my eye which instantly made me protest.

"Nope. You don't get to know yet. Let's enter first and maybe you can guess where we are."

"Aw man! That's not fair!"

"It's totally fair." Namjoon placed his free hand upon my shoulder before beginning to gently guide me towards an unknown destination as I could hear and feel the others' presences around or in front of us.

I heard a door open and Namjoon nudging me through. Instantly I was taken aback by the cold chill of the room rather than warm heat as I was expecting. He continued leading me further into the room and I felt my fingers twitch in a need to feel the area around me just so I know that I don't fall or bump into anything.

There was a hum of chatter among the room and I knew this was a public area, however I still am not sure where.

I let out a slight gasp as I was abruptly stopped. My hands jittered as I waved them around in front of me in hopes of finding a solid object. I was left flailing my arms stupidly in the air and I sure felt as stupid as I probably looked.

"Calm down, babe. Have you guessed where we are yet?"

I stilled as I dropped my hands and turned in the direction of Jimin's voice. My mouth slightly dropped at the pet name and even though I couldn't see him or the others, I'm sure they were amused by my response.

"Well, darling?" My head whipped over to the general direction of Hoseok's voice.

"Uh, no?"

"Man she's as dumb as she looks."

I glared holes into Namjoon's hand as I turned towards the direction of Jungkook's voice. I instantly dropped the insult that was forming when I heard a smack and Jungkook's automatic, "Hey, I was joking! Why do I keep getting hit today!"

"Ignore him. Alright, ready for the big reveal?"

"As I'll ever be?"

Namjoon slowly lifted his hands from blocking my field of vision and I was instantly taken aback by the sheer brightness of the room. My eyes squinted as I began to register that we were standing in front of a large window and looking into an ice skating arena. A couple people were skating and rows of benches led down to the rink.

My eyes widened as a grin started to grow on my face. Turning back to the others, they were looking at me with apprehensive looks and hesitant smiles.

"Wow! Ice skating sounds fun!"

"Phew, let's get going then!" Jungkook immediately grabbed my hand and led me to a counter near the back. The others began to follow as I glanced around the cozy room from above. It was more of a lounge as several people milled around in groups or alone, some with foods, some with drinks. A cafe was set at the far end of the room and Jungkook was leading me up to a counter near the entrance.

We had to wait in line for a pair of ice skates since the others had already handled the pay.

"Have you ever skated before?"

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now