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I was panting once I finally arrived at the door with a minute to spare. I had booked it across the courtyard, through several halls, and the stairs just to be here. Opening the door, I see Jungkook in the same spot as yesterday. He let out a breath and lifted his wrist to tap his imaginary watch. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my seat.

"Wow a minute to spare. And you were shocked when I had three!" He mocked as I set my bag down and took my seat.

"At least I made it here on time." I huffed while logging into the desktop before me.

"Indeed you did. Have you studied for the quiz today?" I just pressed the enter key before whipping my head in his direction.

"What quiz?"

"Oh you know. The one that we are to take at this very moment and for this class."

"Really? When did he say there was a quiz? What is it on? Are you sure we are taking it today?"

"Obviously. Didn't you hear him at the end of the lecture yesterday?"

"No! What will it be on? You're lying, aren't you?" I stated while narrowing my eyes in suspicion. We can't possibly have one.

"No way. It's on the lecture notes we took yesterday. The ones where you were almost dozing off. It'll most likely be on the subject that you paid least attention to."

"Give me your notes. Or recap the main points of the lesson to me please."

"And why should I?"

"Because you are a very good friend?"

"No can do."

"I'll give you more banana milk! Will you help me?" I shouted and some people turned their heads in my direction, but oh well.

Jungkook started laughing as I stared at him with despair. I grew confused and annoyed as he wouldn't answer my questions. Why would we have a quiz on the third day? I mean we might, I did space out a lot yesterday. Wait...

"I-" He started before laughter took him over again. I started to glare at him as he finally calmed down after a few seconds.

"There is no quiz today. Oh my gosh, your reaction was hilarious! It's been a while since my hyungs have fallen for that trick!" He leaned down and continued to laugh harder. My cheeks flared at the realization. Of course there isn't! I was just too paranoid to think it through! I ignore his mocking chuckles as I turn my seat in an angle to show my back to him and face my computer screen as well as the Professor.

It was a few seconds after his laughter had died down when he asked, "You aren't mad right?"

No of course not. I'm pissed and annoyed. So I just ignored him and stared at my computer screen while noticing small details.

"Y/n. Hey. Please don't be mad. I didn't mean to ridicule you, if you took it that way."

"Okay. Let's open up the program and start coding guys. What your assignment today is to..." Professor Yoojang droned on, which forced Jungkook to listen to him. I could still feel Jungkook's stares into my back but I just focused on the task throughout the class period.


"A majority of you haven't finished the assignment, which is fine, so you guys will also have tomorrow to work on it! You are dismissed." Professor Yoojang stated as he sat back down at his desk to prepare for his next class. I shut down my computer and picked up my bag while standing up. Pushing my chair in, I tread towards the door with the rest of the students. I glance over and see Jungkook frantically zipping up his backpack and standing up. Once I exited the classroom, I briskly walked down the hall with the crowd of students.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ