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"You've all done wonderful jobs on your plants! Look at this beautiful floral wreath!" Professor Chaeun smiled as she looked over the collage of our plants. She required each of us to carefully cut out our plants from the paper throughout the class period. It had to be with such precision as well because she coddled several students if they so much as cut a millimeter too close. Afterwards, she collected them and stuck them beautifully on a large poster cut in a huge circle. They were strategically placed to look aesthetically pleasing against one's eyes with the contrasting colors brushing against one another. Within the center of the wreath, Professor Chaeun wrote "The Truth Untold" in English and Korean with an attractive calligraphy font.

"I told you each to write something that you hid or kept close to you. As promised, I didn't look at the messages and no one else did either, but at the end of the course, perhaps you can look back on your plant and see if you conquered your fear or insecurity. That of course is completely your choice to look back on, but if you do, I will gladly return your secret to you and you can see if it's a secret any longer. With that class is dismissed. Remember to finish the assignments that I have emailed you. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday, bright and early!"

We cheered and packed up our bags. My hand was sore due to how tightly I was holding the precision knife. My eyes blinked rapidly because of how long I was staring at my paper. I was one of the last people to finish, but I was so glad once I did. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I turn to see Taehyung observing the wreath intensely.

Looking at the piece as well, I speak up and ask, "So, which one is yours." That sounds strangely like two parents staring into the nursery of a hospital and observing their child through the glass.

"The purple myosotis." Taehyung nonchalantly stated, making no indication of which one he was referring to. I just looked at him confused.

"The scorpion grasses."

"Oh. Could you by chance point it out?"

He sighed and pointed at a cluster of beautiful indigo Fo- ,"Forget-Me-Nots." I stare closer at the small flowers and am impressed by the accuracy and realistic detailing shown on the whole plant.

"You did amazing! Didn't you finish cutting before me? How did you finish that quickly."

"Because I'm just that good. Let's head out." Taehyung smirks as he begins walking towards the door. Some students were still talking inside the classroom but a majority already left. I followed as Taehyung held the door and exited after me.

Walking down the hall, Taehyung said, "Your dahlia wasn't too bad. If anything it really captures everybody's attention on the wreath. You did a great job." I secretly basked in the praise but outwardly I shrugged and said his was better. He, in turn, started to complain about how difficult it was to capture the flower's texture. I tuned him out as I pondered over his statement on my flower. Normally I didn't get praised too often. It was just expected of me to get good grades or win the awards. Sure my parents always congratulated me, which was nice, but didn't really do a full on gesture for how proud they are. Didn't really point out what parts I did good at or how great I did, just that they are glad that I didn't fail.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a light shove on my shoulder. Looking over, Taehyung was looking down at me with a stern, but playful, glare.

"You didn't hear a word I said huh."

"Of course I did! You were talking about how challenging it was to 'capture the flower's essence'."

"Mmhmm. What was the most challenging part about the soil?"

"Oh that was- wait there wasn't any soil?"

"Yet you almost fell for it."

"No. I totally knew there wasn't any. Stop being a dork. Go to class. Bye." I stated as we rounded the corner to the front of my class.

"How dare you call me a dork!" Taehyung gasps dramatically.

"But she wasn't wrong." I hear a voice from beside me. Turning, I see Jungkook grinning at Taehyung as he grabbed a hold of his heart, pretending to be wounded.

"Kookie. H- How could you do this to me. Both of you."

"A dork would act like this after being called a dork." I state as Taehyung straightens up and sticks his tongue out at me.

"I'm going to class. Hmph." Taehyung abruptly turned and strutted his way down the hall. Jungkook and I burst out laughing at Taehyung sashaying away with his head held high.

"Let's go in. Ladies first." Jungkook taunts as he held the door open for me. I lightly flick his forehead before entering and going straight to my seat. Setting my stuff on the floor, I am instantly reminded of my injury as a painful zing goes through my body when I lightly bumped into the side of the table. Taking a seat, I cringe as I wait for the pain to stop.

"Are you alright y/n?" I hear Jungkook ask from beside me. Opening my eyes, his eyes are staring into mine in concern.

Nodding with a small smile, I force my eye contact away to login to the desktop. Once I finish entering my information, I look over and see Jungkook inquisitively staring at me.

"I'm okay. I might've bruised my waist, don't ask why or how, but I'm fine." I give a thumbs up to support my argument.

"Why and How?"

"I just said not to ask those."

"Where and When?"

"Don't ask me questions about it."

"But I asked those questions before the no questions rule, therefore they are still valid."

"Why does it matter? It doesn't."

"It does. You're hurt, at least tell me if it's really bad in case you need to go to the hospital."

"No I do not need to be hospitalized."

"Then Where and When?"

I let out a huff before mumbling, "The railing of the stairs this morning. No more info for you. Thanks for your concern Jungkook but it's nothing major. Really." He just nodded in response and focused on his screen. I started to get defensive with him. I don't like being coddled on because I never really was. If I got hurt, I either rested it off or took medicine. I've never been badly hurt either so there was never a time that I've been sent to the hospital for injury. My dad always taught me to suck it up because whining and complaining doesn't get anyone anywhere. My mom would always try to cheer me up but normally she was always busy with work. The brother was not much of the help either.

I felt guilty as I glanced over at Jungkook who was staring solely at his computer screen. I felt a tad warm at the thought of him worrying. It doesn't help to be worried about such a trivial matter; Though, I feel disappointed that I told him to stop. That sounds a bit selfish now that I'm thinking back on it. Why are my thoughts so conflicting. They were distracted as soon as Professor Yoojang called attention on himself and began the lesson.

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