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Taehyung wouldn't let go of me for another 20 minutes. Every few minutes I tried to push him away but he refused and hugged me tighter. The others took no initiative to helping me release the koala's hold, they just conversed about their professors and what tasks would be given throughout the year.

At this point, I just laid my head on Taehyung's shoulder and listened. He wouldn't even move to let me get a cookie or drink either, so Jungkook took the job of bringing the smoothie for me to drink. I felt like a child.

"... The dance class was fun because we learned a quick choreography! When Hobi and I were resting in the corner though, some girl came over and said 'Hi. I am some name. I noticed you let that other girl sit with you at lunch. Perhaps me and my friends could join your table tomorrow?' Hobi had a stern face and told her that there is no room at the table and that just because we let y/n sit with us, doesn't mean we invite anybody!" Jimin laughed while the others grinned.

"Yeah. Some girl was going to ask me something when I went to get a drink at the water fountain. I just quickly left to my classroom." Jungkook sheepishly says while Jin reaches over and rustles his hair.

Feeling guilty, I pitch in, "I'm sorry random girls are talking to you guys. I don't have to sit with you guys anymore. It's my fault that they are suddenly coming up to you."

"It's fine y/n. Why lose your company over some girls that are vying for our attention. We all enjoy your presence!" Namjoon spoke reassuringly as I let out a small smile.

"It's about 8:30. Let's go eat out somewhere." Yoongi says suddenly.

"Where do you guys want to eat? And y/n, you'll be joining us." Jin says with authority in his tone and I just nod.

"Panera Bread?"


"Panda Express!" Taehyung exclaimed from my shoulder.

"Yes! Let's go there." Hoseok agrees and Jimin nods.

"Alright, let's go." Jin states as he got out of the couch followed by Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. Jimin and Jungkook were waiting to exit the seat from my side, but when I tried to scoot away Taehyung refused to let go.

"TaeTae! Let go of y/n so we can go to eat!" Jungkook said while poking Taehyung's ribs. He squirms around and tells Jungkook to stop, in which he does once Taehyung lifts his face to squint at his surroundings. I move backwards but Taehyung just lifts me out the seat and gets off the couch with me in his arms. I frantically squirm to get out of his grip because I must be heavy! He finally let's go just as Jimin got out of the couch.

With my feet on the ground, I grab my backpack off the floor and zoom to hide behind Jin so Taehyung wouldn't latch onto me again. He smiles and walks towards the exit with the other two youngest. Jin lays a hand on my back and walks out behind me. The other three following silently. As we pass by the other students, they are already staring at the boys and I. I really hate being stared at, but I just roll with it as Jin gently nudges me towards exit.

Once we reach outside, we all walk towards the main parking lot and I realize that I have brought my scooter so I have to drop it back off to the apartments.

"I actually brought my scooter to school. I have to drop it off at the apartments because I can't take it on the main roads. Sorry. It's okay if you guys go ahead and eat. I have food at home." I say while smiling reassuringly.

"No way! And miss out on Panda Express? How about we all quickly head back to the apartment complex and drop off our bags with you?" Hoseok suggests and the others agree with his suggestion.

I just nodded and Jin said, "Alright sounds good. We'll meet at the apartment complex, then drop off our stuff, and then go eat. See you there y/n!" All of them start walking towards their cars as I head towards my scooter. As I get ready to start my bike, I realize I'm going out to eat with them again. I thought the next time we would've spoken would be just passing through the halls but life had different plans apparently.


Arriving to the apartment garage, I see the others standing around the elevator. I hop off my bike and take off my helmet (safety first people), before grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

I just follow them into the elevator and while waiting Jimin says, "Nice Scooter. I like the colors." I smile and say thanks as the elevator turns quiet.

Oh jeez.

I'm in an elevator with seven finely crafted specimens of the opposite gender.

I've also been interacting with those specimens throughout the day.

And many girls are most likely currently planning a murder.

Did I forget my pencil in one of my classes now that I think about it.

Is water even wet?

The elevator opens before my thoughts go farther. Each of us disperse into our rooms, but before entering mine Jungkook calls me from across my door.

"Hold on a moment!" He put in a complex pin code before his door unlocked and he just chucked his backpack inside the room. Quickly shutting the door, he bounded his way over to me and let out a small smile.

"I wanted to check out your room briefly!"

"Oh. Okay?" I replied as I rotate the knob to my door. Opening the door, he instantly walks inside and takes off his shoes, replacing them with slippers. I followed behind and allowed him to explore my kitchen. I rushed over to my bedroom and dropped off my backpack before heading out and seeing Jungkook lying comfortably on my couch.

"Uh, ready to go?"

"Sure. You haven't removed all the boxes from your room yet y/n? Tsk tsk." He said while standing up and I roll my eyes.

"I'm lazy and it's not a lot. It's literally two small boxes of knick-knacks most likely. Now that that's established, let's go before Jin possibly gets annoyed." Jungkook laughs and agrees while following me to the door. Quickly wearing his shoes again, we exit to see the others nearby the elevator and joking around.

When we join them, Jin says "I want to see your apartment too! I'll come over after class tomorrow."

"Wha- But Jungkook just let himself in?"

"Then can I come over to see your apartment another time?"

"I mean, I guess. I still have a couple things to unpack."

"Sounds good. Now I'm starving."

The elevator soon picked and dropped us off quickly. We split the cars where I would ride with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok and the other four took another car. The ride there was very energetic with the three constantly screaming the lyrics to popular songs on the radio. 

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