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Nearing my scooter, I organize the bags in the cart together to try and make the least amount of bags to hold. Placing some bags under my seat, in my tank bag, as well as my backpack, I manage to pack everything away comfortably. Double-checking all my bags and assuring that they are secure, I speed off back to the apartment. Hoseok's Sprite was digging into my back the whole way back, so he better enjoy it.

Pulling into the garage, I remove all the bags from the scooter easily and ride the elevator to my flat. Deciding to unpack all my groceries before dropping off the guy's drinks, I enter my apartment first and unload the items all around my kitchen. At least my fridge looks fuller.

Walking over to the dining room table, I stack the pack of banana milk on the Sprite and slowly make my way to the door due to the weight. I set down the drinks before opening the door and just scooting them out into the halls. Closing the door, I pick up the drinks again before I pause.

Wait. Where are their rooms again? Well. Shoot. I stare at all seven doors in worry. Okay, so Jungkook's room is somewhere near mine I believe, but Hoseok's is not. That doesn't help much huh.

Oh! I do recall Jungkook quickly throwing his bag in the room across from mine earlier. Rushing over, before the weight numbs my arm for holding it too long, I knock on his door. I can hear small sounds of people talking, but I believe that is from the television playing. It's silent for a minute before I knock on the door again, a bit harder.

There is no movement after another few seconds and my arms are slowly giving up on me, so I just decided to leave his drinks at the door. Leaning down to place the drinks, my head leans on the door so the weight doesn't tip me over.

Ahh yes. Of course he chooses this moment to open the door. I hear the doorknob click unlocked but before I could regain my balance, I quickly lose it as the door is abruptly opened and I move forward onto his pant legs.

He doesn't budge, so I'm awkwardly face planted into the denim of his jeans with the drinks digging into my stomach. I feel arms wrap around my arms and lift me up with ease, which causes the drinks to tumble out of my hands and tumble onto the floor with a light thud. I am faced with a very confused...

Namjoon? Did I get the wrong room? Was this not the room?

"Y/n? What an entrance you made." It appears his shock cleared off as he tries to hold back a grin.

My face flares up due to the situation. "Well. I mean I guess that wasn't the entrance I planned. I was dropping off something. Is this even Jungkook's room?" I rambled.

"Yep! Hey y/n, nice entrance. Did you need something?" Jungkook announced. I looked over to see him standing behind Namjoon with a large smile. Jimin was also here and was crouched down while silently laughing. And he was really silently laughing due to how red the tips of his ears were as well as his shoulders violently heaving.

"You know what; I should just keep this banana milk to myself." I said with pursed lips. Jungkook's eyes adorably widen as he stops smiling.

"What? No! You bought some? Please don't take them back y/n." Jungkook begged as he rushed over to my side and pouted.

"Okay. Take it, it's heavy. I'm not carrying it to your kitchen. What are you doing here anyway Namjoon?" Jungkook quickly swipes the pack from the floor and rushes off to his kitchen. Namjoon stares at me with a conflicted response.

"Me and Jimin were playing a new game Jungkook wanted to test out with us." He stated.

"Oh fancy. What ga-"

"Oh hey, isn't that Hoseok's Sprite? It's getting late and you should drop it off to him before he sleeps." Namjoon interrupted.

"Oh yeah, I should. Hey actually, do you kno-"

"Good night y/n! Have a good rest. See you tomorrow!" Namjoon stated and closes the door swiftly as I see Jungkook just entering the living room again.

That was kind of rude. I stare blankly at the door and sighed before picking up the Sprite. Well, I don't have a clue on where Hoseok's room is. I believe Jin and Namjoon's rooms were the first and second, and the maknae line were numbers around mine. So perhaps his room is either 303 or 304?

I stand between the rooms and debate on which one it would be. One could lead to my death, the other is the correct door. In this crucial moment in time... I just did eenie, meenie, etc.


Room 304 it is! I walk up to the door and knock. There was no sound behind the door, it was completely silent. Nobody answered after a minute. Was this Jimin's room maybe? I knocked one more time just in case, and after a bit, the door creaked open.

It revealed Yoongi with a scowl on his face.

"What do you want?"

I gulp and reply, "I'm really sorry! Is this not Hoseok's apartment?"

"Does it look like it if I answered the door?"

"I mean, you could have been visiting Hoseok? So it is a viable answer."

"No this is not Hoseok's door. Why are you looking for him? It's not like we want your company all the damn time just because you're our neighbor. I'm surprised on how close you already are with the others, but don't butt in too much."

"Oh, I was going to drop off his Sprite." His face showed a bit of surprise but he went straight to a poker face. At least it was better than the slight glare he is holding all the time.

"Okay. His room is 303. Well, now that you know that this is my apartment, don't knock on my door." He backed out of my view and slammed the door shut. I let out an irritated huff. I didn't expect much from him, but that confirmed that he didn't enjoy my company. I don't care... Okay, that shit freaking hurted.

Walking over to the room across, I knock again. There was upbeat music heard from behind the door. I totally should have tried knocking on this door first.

Within a few seconds. though, the door opened to reveal a shining Hoseok. There was a light sheen of sweat as he grinned at my presence. The music was a popular upbeat song that was trending on the radio right now. His vibe instantly brightened my mood.

Such contrasting people living across each other.

"Y/n! What brings you over to my domain?" He exclaims.

"Hey Hoseok. Here is the Sprite I promised." I gesture to the Sprite in my arms by lifting the case as he cheers.

"Yes! Thank you! Would you like some to drink?" He questions as he takes it from my arms.

"Nah, it's fine. I should head back."

"Aww. See you tomorrow y/n. Sweet dreams."

"Night Hoseok. See you." I say as he closes the door and I make the trip back to my room. Entering my apartment, the time on the clock said it was about to hit 10 pm. I just decided to make an instant pasta. Once it was finished, I bring it to the couch and watch "Meteor Garden".

Once the episode finished, I bring my plate to the trash and place my fork in the sink. I quickly clean my dishes and place them away. Turning off the TV and the lights, I get ready for bed. I briefly browse over geometric formulas on my phone before turning it off and heading to sleep.  

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