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My outfit was a simple white off-the-shoulder large hoodie, dark blue jeans, and red converse. I put on mascara and highlights but that was it. That was the most my make-up would get, with occasional lipstick if the event required. I just swiped some lip balm on my lips and sat on the couch scrolling through my phone with the TV off. It was 5 minutes till 8 so I looked through art posts on Instagram.

There were three knocks on the door and I stood up quickly to answer it. I brought my small wallet and phone, quickly stuffing them in my back pocket, and answered the door. There stood Jin smiling at me and asking "Ready to go?" I nodded as Jimin poked his head out from behind Jin and grinned widely.

He had a quick look over of my outfit and said, "You look nice! We agreed that you get to ride with me, Jin, and Joonie! The other four will take another car." I smiled and walked out of my apartment. Namjoon was leaning on the side of the wall and smiled when I saw him. I locked the door and turned to the three patiently waiting behind me.

"Let's go!" Jimin cheered and turned to the elevator. I followed behind with Namjoon and Jin walking with me. Once we all entered, Jimin pressed the garage button and the elevator started its descent.

"Have the others already left?" I turned asking Namjoon. He nodded and said we will meet them at the restaurant. The doors opened and I followed the three to Namjoon's sports car. It was very fancy and clean, the interior was lavish and comfortable. I sat in the back with Jimin as Namjoon and Jin sat in the front. Namjoon turned on some light classical music on the way so it was not too quiet. After 15 minutes, the car arrived at an Olive Garden and we all made our way out of the vehicle. The other four were found in the waiting area and greeted us upon our arrival.


The host brought all eight of us to a rounded corner table, which nicely fit all of us. The seating arrangement from the left to right was: Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, me, Jimin, Hoseok, and then Jin. There was not a moment when the table wasn't rowdy due to the boys talking over each other and joking around. I didn't really join the conversation as I just listened in on their antics while eating breadsticks. The waitress came around and took our hefty order of eight dishes and drinks. After a few minutes she arrives with the drinks and says the food will arrive in a bit.

Glancing around at the family-friendly restaurant I notice many young women glancing at the table, or more specifically the guys. Feeling awkward I shrink in my seat and glanced at my phone. We've been at the restaurant for about 10 minutes.

Suddenly a hand seized my phone from my grasp and I quickly glance up to find the culprit. Jungkook had his back turned from me and was chuckling to himself. Quickly launching myself onto his back in hopes to reach the phone, I see him trying to guess various pincodes.

"No! Don't lock me out!" I whine as the phone tells Jungkook that he will have to wait for 30 seconds before trying again. He turns and hands me the phone with an innocent grin as I huff and tuck it into my back pocket.

"You were being really quiet though! I was just playing with you." He stated as he sidles up to my side.

"Well, there was no point in joining the conversation. I don't really know what to add to it anyway. Just leave me to the satisfaction of my breadsticks and listening to your guys' weird conversation topics."

"That's no fun. Let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors? If you lose you get flicked on the forehead?"

I cringe and suggest, "Alright. Out of three?"

"That works. Let's start! Rock, Papers, Scissors, Shoot!"

Scissors to Rock. I wince as he lets out a small smile.

"Again! Rock, Papers, Scissors, Shoot!"

Paper to Paper. Letting out a breathe both of us position our hands once more.

"Rock, Papers, Scissors, Shoot!"

Paper to Scissors. He grins as I pale.

"I win! I'm not going easy on you" He says as he positions his hand over my forehead. Pulling his middle finger back, there is a moment of suspense, before he let's go and a "thud" sound resonated around the table. I groan and rub the spot with my hand while leaning against the tabletop. He rubs my back instantly.

"Jungkook! What the- why would you hurt y/n?!" Namjoon panics from beside Jungkook and hits the back of his neck.

"Ow! Hey, it was her penalty because she lost at Rock, Papers, Scissors!" Jungkook defends while letting go from rubbing my back to massage his sore neck.

I leaned up and let go of my forehead. Looking at Namjoon I respond "It's fine! I lost fair and square." Smiling reassuringly the others start laughing. Mumbling to Jungkook I murmur "Didn't have to hit so hard though." He sheepishly apologizes.

"You have a red mark on your forehead!" Taehyung exclaims from his seat and laughs more as I groan. Well, that's great. I would check it but there is no point in fixing it. A cold ice cube is suddenly placed on my forehead and Jimin is the one holding it.

"This might soothe the area a bit?" He answers gently to my questioning look. Grinning brightly at his kind act, I quickly grabbed a hold of the ice cube so he doesn't have to freeze his fingers.

"Thank you Jimin! It's alright, it'll probably fade by tomorrow."

"You better put some more ice on it when we get back. Just in case." Jin says from his seat and I nod to his statement. Jimin suggests joining us in the game again to pass the time while the others resumed their conversations. Jungkook and I nod to his suggestion. Quickly letting the ice down on a napkin and wiping the wet area on my forehead, I play Rock, Papers, Scissors with Jungkook and Jimin, just with the penalty of knowing you lost.


Our food arrives after eight rounds of playing. Jungkook won three rounds, Jimin three, and I won two. Both boys were very competitive and whined once the food arrived. Rolling my eyes, I thank the waitress that passed over my plate of food.

The atmosphere is still loud, just with food added in. I noticed the boys sharing their food with each other from across the table and it was a very cute act of feeding each other. Their friendship must be really close.

Hoseok turns to me from beside Jimin and asks, "Do you want to try some of my Lasagna Classico?" Shocked at his question I glance at his half eaten meal and was about to shake my head, but he already got a forkful and offered it to me. Brightening up and reaching to grab the fork, he suddenly pulls it away from me. 

"Say 'Ah' and I'll feed it to you. Unless you want me to pretend it's an airplane." He states and laughs as I lightly blush. Complying, he feeds me the piece of Lasagna and I smile at the taste.

I finished chewing and thank Hoseok for the bite.

"Can I have a bite of your Chicken Alfredo?" He asks and I instantly grab a forkful and was about to hand it to him but he opens his mouth expectantly. I roll my eyes at his cute expression and feed him a bite. He thanks me after chewing and I turn back to my food to take another bite.

"Try ours too!" exclaims Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin.

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