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Upon entering, I look around to find Jungkook. It appears he wasn't in the class yet. Or maybe he is ducking behind a computer, but I shrug at the thought and walk over to the spot I occupied yesterday. The two girls that had sat next to me had apparently moved to another desk so there was no one sitting next to me. I just decided to pull out my phone and mindlessly scroll through nothing to pass the time until the class began. I briefly glanced up at whoever entered the class just to see if Jungkook arrives.


The time was ticking down to about 3 minutes left in class before Jungkook burst through the door. He seemed a bit jumpy as he entered and walked further into the room. He didn't seem to notice me, so I called out his name to get his attention.

Once he glanced over and saw me, a blush set on his cheeks as he sat next to me.

"Morning! Taehyung also said hello, but he had to leave to his next class."

"Oh. Good Morning y/n." He responded a bit shyly as his voice was lowered.

"You were almost late! 3 minutes later and you would've been."

"3 minutes is enough time. You could do a lot in 3 minutes you know."

"Uh-huh. Like..?"

"You could make a whole meal of those quick macaroni and cheese bowls. Or if about 250 babies are born per minute, then in 3 minutes that is about 750 newborns. Or if the human brain can read up to 300 words per minute, that is about 900 for every 3. Or if 400 YouTube videos are created per minute that is 1200 for ever-"

"Yep! Okay I get it! How the heck do you even know all this Jungkook?"

"That poster behind you lists several things that happen every minute." He shrugs as I turn and see that he wasn't lying. The poster mainly briefed that computers were capable of doing more than possible within a few seconds, but compared it to things in the world. I turned back to Jungkook as he innocently smiles.

"The time to start has begun and now let's get to programming fun! Oh hey, that rhymed!" Professor Yoojang laughs at his realization. I hold back what I was going to reply and turned my attention to the Professor instead.

"Alright, get your computers set up and I will show you basic outlines of 3-D modeled characters. We will look over the geometry and proportions of certain items."

The rest of the class time went swimmingly. He had showed us the basic blueprints of basic 3-D modeled shapes and comparing them to real items. Jungkook didn't socialize with me throughout the class as we both listened to the lecture the Professor gave. Or at least tried to. I might've dozed off a bit throughout the lecture.

"Oh! I almost lost track of time. Alright, that's a wrap. I'll see you guys tomorrow and remember to recall basic geometric formulas and equations!" Professor Yoojang exclaimed with a chuckle as several groans were thrown around the room. It wasn't an actual assignment but it would help to review throughout the lesson tomorrow. Sighing, I stood up and picked up my bag. Looking over, Jungkook was putting on lip balm as if he was in a commercial because of how he jutted his lips out.

"Need some lip balm? It's cherry." He added the cherry bit after a pause, like that would convince me to use some. I just shook my head and he quickly packed it before standing up before me.

"You are joining me and the hyungs for lunch, right? I mean it's okay if you don't want to."

"Taehyung already declared that I have to sit with you guys for lunch."

"Uh-huh. Alright, let's walk together! I mean, if you want."

I giggled at his hesitancy and nodded to his suggestion. We both exited the classroom and walked down the halls to the front of the building.

"Do you guys even order food? I didn't see you guys ordering anything at the canteen?"

"Oh yeah. Jin makes our lunches and dinners for us. We eat whatever for breakfast."

"I see. Then when we get there, I'll go order my food and join you guys at the table afterwards."

"We can share our lunch with you. I'm sure Jin wouldn't mind making you lunch as well."

"No way! That would be eight whole lunches. He already makes seven and that's too much. It's fine. I want to explore the menu the school provides anyway. Thanks for the offer Jungkook."

"Jungkook huh? No nickname for me?" He looks at me sideways as we near the main building.

"Nickname? Do you want one?"

"Well it's not special if you just make one for me! It has to come naturally. I'll think of one for you too!"

"Okay then. Sounds good." We had just entered the building and quickly made our way to the refectory.

"We will be at the same table. I'll tell the others that you're in line."

"Alrighty, bye bye." He left through the crowd and I noticed that many students move out of his way as well. How convenient. I step to the drink line and wait for my turn. I don't see any of the girls I know around so I just ordered by myself.

I had a tray of Gimbap, Kimchi, and a water bottle. Paying, I walk towards the boy's table. As I pass a booth, someone stuck out their leg at the moment I had lifted my right foot to walk forwards. SHit.

I rapidly started going forward until someone in front of me righted my position. Stumbling towards the person's hold, I glance up and see Jennie. She was already glaring at the person who had tripped me.

Turning, I see a girl with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"You should know that it's not nice to trip someone. Did your parents even teach you manners or how to behave properly in public because I guarantee you that tripping people was not in the lesson. How rude." Lisa said as she stepped out from beside Jennie. The girl shrunk in her seat as Lisa smirked. Jennie was still glaring at the girl during Lisa's speech before turning to me and leading me to an open area to stand with the other three girls following. At least none of my food had dropped, I thought relieved.

"Are you okay? Still so clumsy, you could've totally saw her foot coming!" Jennie admonished and I sheepishly grinned.

"My tray was blocking my view of the path I was walking. Thanks for saving me from humiliatingly dropping my food."

"Not a problem. Let's go find a seat somewhere. Since you already received your food, you can hold the spot for us while we grab our food. I'm starving!" She turned and started to walk away.

"But I already promised to sit with someone else." I stated while following her.

Pausing in her step she turned to me with a shocked look. "My y/n has found friends? Oh my. This is monumental! We have to hold a celebration. I'll hold it in my dorm!"

Rolling my eyes at her sarcasm, I reply, "Yeah yeah. I've had friends before you know. But I should get to them now because time is ticking. You guys order your food before lunch ends too soon. Aren't you guys hungry?"

"Yep! Let's go order food now!" Rosé exclaimed. Jennie sighed and nodded.

"Lunch isn't ending anytime soon, but alright. I'll leave you to it. Are you sure you don't want to sit with us? With me?" Jennie questioned.

I nodded in reassurance and said, "I'll be fine. Thanks for the invite though. See you guys later!"

I walked away before Jennie can protest. She is a close friend, but I know she has other friends she'd like to get to know and I shouldn't get in her way like I always do. Having a tight grip on my tray and watching my steps, I follow a more open path to the boys table. They were all conversing with one another. I was close to the table but got stopped by someone's hand in my face. 

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