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"Ready. Set. Go Go!" Jungkook excitedly said as Jimin and I tilted the bucket of ice water over Taehyung. Taehyung was sat in the middle of the bathtub as Jimin and I were balancing on the ledge. Jungkook was in front of the door and filming the event of Taehyung's prize for losing.

∥ *Freezeframe with the water just about to hit Taehyung's body*

We played several rounds of Mario-Kart with different punishments for each loss. Jimin did lose the round earlier and each of us drew or wrote something on his face. I drew the little dog character 'Chimmy' on his right cheek because it reminded me of Jimin, Jungkook wrote 'Jungkook is better than me' on his left cheek, and Taehyung did actually write 'midget' across his forehead.

Jimin was so pissed off and the next punishment was getting egged. He made sure that Taehyung lost even though they were both in 11th and 12th place. Taehyung had five eggs cracked on his head. Three were courtesy of Jimin. Afterwards, it was basically a war for those two as Jungkook and I just watched them in amusement.

▶ *Tuning back to our regularly scheduled program*

The water and ice fell gracefully over Taehyung body. Okay it wasn't very graceful or pretty as some ice chunks thudded against the top of his scalp but bounced off his hair. Once all the water was gone, and Jimin made sure by shaking the bucket a bit, Taehyung shivered badly. He stood up and wrapped his arms around himself in hopes to warm up.

We all burst out laughing due to the poor boy's state. Taehyung flashed us a boxy smile before his teeth started chattering.

"C-cold! T-towel P-p-please." Taehyung whined. I instantly reached for the white towel on the rack and wrapped it around his frame. He leaned into me and I cringed a bit due to how cold his body was.

"Okay you need to change into warm clothes now!" I exclaimed as I made eye contact with Jimin.

"Hurry and change his clothes in your room mister. Before he catches a cold!" I rushed Jimin and helped Taehyung out of the tub.

Jungkook opened the door as Jimin wrapped a hand around Taehyung's waist and led him out of the bathroom and to his bedroom right beside the door.

"Oh man. The hyungs are going to kill us if Taehyung is sick and we caused it!" Jungkook stated.

"I'm sure they won't be too mad." I said as I drained the tub and exited the bathroom. He turned off the lights and followed me back into the tent. We settled next to each other against the couch.

"You know, once one of us gets sick, it's usually like a train as it hops from one station to another. We each get sick one by one which sucks." Jungkook groaned as he nuzzled into my neck. They have been openly affectionate with me the whole night so far. Usually they just wrap me in a hug suddenly when they are annoyed or they grab my hand whenever they feel like it.

I gently card my fingers through his hair soothingly. All three of the boys like having their hair played with, as I have learned. Jungkook hums as I grab my phone with the other hand and check the time. 2:32 am. Normally I always go to bed before 2 so I have a good amount of sleep before starting the day. Even on weekends, it's just become a habit. I let out a yawn as I drop my phone beside me and let my head fall over Jungkook's.

"Tired already y/n?" Jungkook questioned as he grabbed my free hands and placed it between both of his. I just nodded against his head as my indication.

"You know, I'm not really sure how I opened up to you so... easily? I'm scared around girls. Or the female gender in general. My mom-" He cut himself off abruptly. At his sudden words, I became more alert but didn't make any move for him to continue. The atmosphere tensed a bit due to his cut off.

"I was wondering the same thing. I thought that perhaps the close interactions were normal for all of you. You all easily have accepted me into your group. Are you saying you guys aren't normally like that with those around you?"

Jungkook didn't respond right away, but he slowly answered, "No. It's always been us seven. Sure we have a couple of friends outside of our group, but nobody really hangs out this close with us. We don't share these moments with others. E-Especially girls... I don't know how you are different though." Jungkook's voice fades a bit at the end. His statement alarms me a bit. They aren't like this just because they treat others the same way?

"Oh. Maybe it's because I'm your neighbor." I suggested.

"Mmm. Something like that." Jungkook hums under his breath, but I heard. Don't think too much on this y/n.

"Give me cuddles! I'm still cold!" Taehyung's voice breaks through the silence as he literally slides into the fort and up to Jungkook and I. He sits beside me and wraps an arm around my waist and the other holds my shoulder. He attempts to pull me closer to him, but Jungkook  keeps his hold on me.

"You kept hugging her whenever you lost though! You've had enough cuddles." Jungkook whines.

"Then you should start losing more. Plus you didn't have ice water thrown on you."

"Guys, let's not be fussy." I tried before they could start bickering. They do that a lot.

"What now? I don't want to play more Mario-kart." Jimin whined as he laid his head on my lap and tilted it back to look at us.

"Want to just watch a movie since we all seem tired?" I suggested as nobody responded. Both Taehyung and Jungkook's heads kept nodding off already.

"Tired? Me? Pshh. No way. This was supposed to be an all-nighter." Jungkook leans up to me and says, but his droopy eyes say otherwise.

"Ah yes. Sure. Now Jimin turn on Netflix." Jimin briefly turned off the Wii and switched to Netflix. After a bit of debate, we decided to watch Stranger Things. It appears Jimin had already watched it, but the three of us haven't. He was willing to re-watch it with us and set it up.

Within one episode, our positions have moved to where we were all laying. Jungkook and Taehyung were passed out besides me while Jimin was resting his head on my stomach and his arms wrapped around my waist too. So many arms wrapped around me like freaking buckles.

I was close to lights out and I could tell Jimin was too. I bring my hand over to his hair and brush it gently. At my actions, he tilts his head towards me and focuses his attention on my drowsy form.

"Tired?" His gravelly voice asked as the voices from the show became background noise.

"Yeah. At least I wasn't the first asleep." I glanced over to the boys besides me. Taehyung had his face hidden in my neck while Jungkook laid facing the ceiling.

"I'm going to sleep too. Do you want to go back to your apartment?" His eyes pleaded 'no' as obviously as a giraffe in a room of dogs. Don't ask me how I made that analogy, I'm tired too.

"I don't feel like moving. Plus I don't think these two are letting go that easily."

"Okay. Should I bring you a pillow or blankets?"

"Nah, I'm fine. You act as a good blanket too." Jimin grinned and tightened his hold around me. He reached for the remote and turned off the television before resuming his position.

"Goodnight y/n. Thanks for coming over today."

"No problem Jiminie. Night."


A/N: This whole procrastination gig is not helping my life at all. Let me just breathe without worrying about another assignment :(

Sorry bout that, had to rant 🤡. In any case, Dora calls herself an explorer but travels exclusively through mapped territories. What was your favorite kids show?

(Honestly, I remember always getting hyped over Wizards of Waverly Place and Fetch! with Ruff RuffMan)

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