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My alarm had no mercy when waking me up. I quickly flip over to my nightstand and turn off the blaring sound from my phone, snuggling back into the covers and falling asleep again. Another alarm goes off 10 minutes later and this time I was more prepared for it as I had been rudely woken up before. I grumble and reach over to turn off the alarm. I sit up to just... contemplate life for a bit before starting the day.

It goes off once more after 15 minutes of blinking at the wall. I turn it off and stand up to stretch. Three alarms just in case I don't fall asleep is a decision I hate but must live with. It is 8 in the morning so I sleepily walk to the restroom and use it before washing up lazily. I quickly check the messages from last night. After I left the group chat, the guys just whined about the name and finally bid goodnight. They didn't change the name though. Walking out, I settle for some cereal and eat at the dining table while looking over my schedule and room numbers.


M, T, W, TH


10:30-12:15~ Graphic Design

12:15-3:00~ Lunch/Break

3:00-5:00~ English

5:15-7:30~ Computer Science

(I know there are prerequisites for freshman, but shhhh)

Graphic Design, and Computer Science were located in the same building but English and Art were in separate ones it appears. That's great. At least each class had about 15 minutes or more between them. 10 minutes have passed since I finished my cereal and I leave the bowl and spoon in the sink for later. Taking a quick 10 minute shower and then brushing, I quickly change into a light blue shirt tucked into high-waisted black ripped jeans and combat boots. Blow drying my hair rapidly I check the time to see it is 8:40. Panicking because I wanted extra time to find my classes, I quickly grabbed my bag and speed walk to the door. Locking it behind me, I jog to the elevator and it brings me to my scooter. Hopping on, I secure my bag on my shoulders and head out to the campus.


Arriving to the college, it had very beautiful architecture and scenery. I didn't have time to admire the area once I glanced at my phone to see it was 8:54. I lock my scooter and hightail it to the correct building. Upon my entrance, there was a huge lobby which opened up to hallways and stairs. Surprisingly many girls were crowding around the main entrance across from me. I apparently entered through one of the side entrances but I didn't have time to pay any mind as I run up the stairs since the art class was on the 2nd floor. There were signs which indicated room numbers that greatly helped as I followed them to the Art room. I quickly open the door and see the class is settling down and the professor seemed to be looking at some papers. The clock in the corner of the room showed I was a minute early.

The room was large, had big windows, and three long rows of desks. The professor's desk was in the center of the front of the room and showed a huge white board and black board behind her. The professor was a woman with light brown hair with highlights placed in a lazy bun. She had fair skin and looked to be around her mid-thirties. Her attire was very colorful and loud compared to her frail figure. She was looking over a stack of papers it appears and glancing at her computer screen every few seconds.

The class had a variety of people, but what was promising was that the majority of the class were girls my age. They all looked very pretty but seemed bored. I sat near the window of the last row of desks. Where I sat, there was a girl on my right but the left side was empty, and was also the very corner of the row. The girl seemed very shy and had shoulder length soft blonde dyed hair. Her roots showed her original hair color was black. She had dark eyes, fair skin, a button nose, and aesthetic circle glasses. Her outfit was a simple black shirt tucked in white overalls. She had a pair of simple checkered vans. She noticed my staring and blushed slightly.

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