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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter two.

Karina's mom had to work the next day, leaving Karina with a simple command of being safe and to be home, if she decided to leave, by seven so they could have dinner with the Swan's who lived down the street.

Apparently, Aurora used to have semi-weekly dinner with Charlie Swan before his daughter, Bella, came to live with him a week ago and since Aurora now had Karina with her, the two parents agreed it would be nice to start the dinners up again.

Aurora and Karina were cooking tonight with the promise that Bella would cook next time since Charlie didn't know how to cook.

Karina made sure that Roscoe was fed and had water before placing him in the backyard where a small dog house was built for him. She made sure that Roscoe was locked up, with the ability to roam, before making her way down the road.

She had decided to venture the town so that she got a feel for it before Monday rolled around and she had to attend school. Karina had never had friends in school, all of them only wanted to be around her for her money, so she isolated herself a lot of the time and kept to herself. She wondered if she would have to do that here, but with her using her mother's maiden name and not her father's she hoped that she wouldn't have to.

Then again, everyone knew who Andrew Baxter was and if they didn't then they had definitely heard about him in the papers and business magazines. Andrew was building apartment buildings all over New York, creating new Hotel ideas left and right, and constantly investing. He had made a name for himself with his business and was even gifted with "The Most Generous CEO of The Year" for donating money to numerous charities every year.

Neither Aurora or Karina wanted to be used for the wealth they obviously had, so they deemed this to be the safer route.

Walking down the road, Karina began to make a mental map in her head. She remembered every turn that she took and how the other houses looked before she finally hit the school. It was obviously closed, but Karina still approached the building and looked around.

She walked up the doors and peeked into the windows, noting that people would definitely be cliche and stare at her as she arrived on Monday. She walked all the way around the school until she reached where the cafeteria was, she liked how there was benches outside for them to use and knew that she would most likely be sitting outside since she didn't like crowds.

Leaving the school property, Karina made her way down the road and finally reached the town shops and things. She gave people small smiles when they looked at her with curiosity filled eyes and her own eyes lit up when she noticed a small bookstore. Quickly entering the store, Karina smiled at the smell of books that hit her.

"You must be new." The small voice made Karina look to the source.

Karina smiled at the girl, she had dark hair and glasses. "Yeah, I just got in last night."

"I'm Angela." The girl introduced herself and Karina felt comfortable around her. "I'm assuming that you're going to be going to school on the Reservation?"

Karina raised an eyebrow at the assumption. "Karina and why would I do that?"

Angela looked embarrassed and a small blush coated her cheeks. "Well, you're really tan like the other Reservation kids, so I just assumed." She explained. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Karina assured her with a smile. "I mean, if I lived here and someone as tan as me showed up, I would have probably made the same deduction."

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