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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter six.

Karina was being risky, again, she knew this.

She and Jasper weren't even good friends and yet at seven in the morning, before school, Karina stood outside his house with a yellow thermos in her hand. Gathering what little confidence she had, Karina knocked on the door and she heard heels clicking against the floor before the door was opened.

Esme Cullen was definitely beautiful, Karina thought to herself. Esme had a heart-shaped face with a warm compassionate look, billows of soft caramel-colored hair, delicate eyebrows, and a small, slender figure that was less angular and more rounded compared to the rest of her family. Esme, like Edward, was a ginger. Not that it matter, the woman was a literal goddess.

Esme looked elegant in a pair of jeans with a simple white blouse and heels. Karina instantly felt better around the woman as she didn't look as intimidating as Karina believed she would be. Karina felt bad for assuming that Carlisle and Esme Cullen would be more intimidating.

Esme had this welcoming aura around her as she smiled kindly at Karina, although being confused. "Yes?"

Karina mentally slapped herself and cleared her throat. "Hi! I'm Karina Clark. My mother works at the hospital with your husband." Karina introduced herself and Esme's smile widened slightly.

"Oh! You're Rory's daughter?" Esme asked and Karina nodded. "She's such a lovely woman." Esme complimented and Karina agreed with her. "What brings you here dear? Don't you have school?"

Karina then started to blush as she nodded her head again. "Well, Alice told me that Jasper was sick, and I felt bad?" It came out more as a question than a statement but Esme's smile relaxed Karina some. "I made soup." Karina spit out after thinking for so long. "I mean he doesn't have to eat it, but I thought it would help with the bug that he and Edward caught."

Esme recalled Alice telling her and Carlisle how she had lied to Jasper's mate, but she didn't expect that the girl would come over with soup. A bubbling feeling of guilt built up inside Esme as she realized that Jasper wouldn't be able to eat the soup, even if he was really sick which wasn't possible. Still, she took the yellow thermos from Karina's hand and gave her a thankful smile.

"Thank you." Esme smiled and Karina returned it. "Jasper's asleep right now but I'll let him know that you stopped by."

"Of course." Karina told Esme. "I've got to run now, goodbye Mrs. Cullen. Have a good day." With another smile sent to Jasper's mom, Karina rushed to her car and got inside.

Esme watched as Karina reversed and drove down the road before stepping back and closing the door. "I like her. She's sweet." Esme told her husband, whom she had felt standing behind her.

"She is." Carlisle assured his wife while hugging her from behind. "Jasper assured me that him and Edward would be back by Friday."

Esme smiled at the thought of seeing her boys again, she had missed them. "Good, I miss my boys."

Carlisle chuckled and kissed Esme's temple. "I know, my love." He led them into the kitchen where Esme placed the thermos on the counter. "I do too."

Karina had gone to therapy once and her therapist told her that the reason she cared so much was because she felt like no one cared about her. Karina's big heart came from the fact that she didn't want anyone to feel as uncared about as she did. Karina called bullshit then, but now she was starting to think that maybe Ms. Lewis was right.

Karina looked like a tomato by the time she reached the school. Her cheeks were hot as she kept scolding herself for doing what she had done. What would Jasper think of her? Would he call her a stalker or think that's she weird for caring?

"Did you do it?" Bella asked her, pulling her from her thoughts. "Rina, you're red as hell." Bella laughed as she took note of her heated cheeks.

Karina nudged her and fanned her face ever so lightly. "I did go over, and I met his beautiful mother Esme and she said that he was sleeping."

Bella noted the pout on her face and looped their arms together. "I'm sure that he's fine."

"How are you not as worried as I am?" Karina asked her with a frown. "Don't you like him?"

Bella shrugged, "I think that I'm more annoyed than anything. He acted rude around me, and I want answers as to why. I mean, it's only fair that he give me some type of reason as to why he made it seem like I was the most disgusting person around."

Karina hummed and nodded her head. "That makes sense."

"Also, why are you so worried?" Bella asked her.

"I don't know!" Karina stressed as she ran a hand through her hair. "We had one decent conversation and I think I was just hoping that he and I would end up as friends."

"Uh huh, friends." Bella laughed when Karina swatted her arms. "I'm just saying." She defended while still laughing.

"Rina!" Angela's cheerful voice pulled Karina's attention away from Bella. Angela looked at Karina with confusion, noticing her flushed cheeks. "Are you alright? You look really red."

Bella held back her laughter as Karina pinched her arm while nodding at Angela. "Yeah. I accidentally put the heat up really high in my car." She lied effortlessly.

Angela seemed to believe Karina's lie and proceeded to loop her arm through Karina's free one. "Well, I have to ask, who are you taking to prom?"

Karina looked at Angela confused. "I'm sorry, what?"

Angela rolled her eyes as she repeated herself. "Who are you taking to prom? You're going right?"

Karina laughed softly before realizing that Angela was completely serious, and Bella wasn't laughing with her. "Oh, you're being dead serious?" She asked and Angela nodded her head. "I didn't plan on going. I was just going to spend prom week with my mom and Roscoe."

Angela frowned before a pout replaced it. "But you have to come! It's going to be an unforgettable night." She then looked at Bella, "Bella, you're coming right?"

Bella's eyes widened and Karina mentally cheered when they reached their classroom. "We'll think about it." Karina told Angela before pulling Bella with her into the classroom.

Now all Karina had to do was think of a way to get out of going to prom and Bella couldn't agree more.

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