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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter thirty-four.

"Karina it's been a month, you need to tell him."

The sound of Bella's usual morning argument made Karina groan as she was getting ready for school. Since Jasper's return in March alongside his brother, Edward, Bella had been trying to talk Karina into telling Jasper about her "condition".

It was now May and Bella was having no luck.

"Karina, I'm serious. You're acting like you're not a vampire and you're not dying." Bella told her and Karina rolled her eyes.

"Because I'm not Bella." She snapped. "I haven't fed on any animal or human and I haven't been coughing up blood." She ran a hand through her hair tiredly. "I'm not dying. I'm fine."

Bella scoffed and marched over to Karina's laundry basket, she pulled out the stash of hidden bloody tops that Karina had hid. "Then what is this? This isn't from coughing Karina."

Karina clenched her eyes shut tightly, she hated how observant Bella could be sometimes. "Bella, I'm asking you once and I'm asking you nicely. Drop it."

"No, not until you tell me what's really going on!" She raised her voice slightly and Karina was glad that William got a ride from one of his friends that morning.

"Bella, just for once stop." Karina sighed, she was tired of this. "For six months, it was me trying to help you and you shut everyone out. You didn't think about me and when you did, it was only after you had used Jacob as a distraction to feel better and Laurent told you what Victoria did to me."

Bella was stunned and opened her mouth to retaliate but Karina held up her hand. "Let's not pretend that you actually finally care about me again because Edward is back but because you feel bad. I refuse to finally be of importance to you only when it's convenient for you."

"Karina, that's not how I meant for you to feel." Bella whispered and Karina nodded her head.

"I know but what's done is done. Let's go." Karina grabbed her bag from the floor and Bella silently followed her out of the house.

Karina walked into her garage while Bella got into her truck and most likely went home to meet Edward. Karina glanced at the two cars that sat in the garage, both holding meaning to her. Her white car sat next to one of the classic cars that she had flown in from New York. It was a beautiful 1958 two door Pontiac Star Chief, it was light blue, and Karina loved it.

There was a part of Karina that wanted to drive the car, but the other part twisted painfully and reminded her why it was there

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There was a part of Karina that wanted to drive the car, but the other part twisted painfully and reminded her why it was there.

William had been with Karina when she told him that his 1957 Chevy Bel Air Convertible would be flown in when he had his license but was happy when Karina promised that every time they went out, they would use the Pontiac.

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓Where stories live. Discover now