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From left to right, Karina and Jasper's outfit, Elijah's outfit, and Leah's outfit!
also imagine that Elijah is wearing a brown jacket to match with his parents.

chapter sixty-two.

Elijah had grown in the span of a week, now looked as if he was going to be in kindergarten instead of being several weeks old. It worried them but when Karina finally got some reassurance from Nahuel and Huilen which took a while since Jasper was reluctant to leave her alone while he and Elijah got breakfast, but she got it.

Karina and Jasper were home schooling Elijah, and he was catching on very quickly. It made the couple proud to know that they're son was doing so well, while Karina reassured Jasper that Elijah was fine and would be okay, he was still worried, and Karina felt bad for not telling him about where she really was when she was pregnant but decided that it was for the best.

The couple arrived in New York, a week later, and they decided that they were wrong, it could get better.

As soon as they arrived both Jasper and Karina were happy to see that Elijah looked very excited to look around the city. It was chilly but no one aside from Elijah minded the cold, for Leah, it was just like being in Forks as she was warm blooded and never got cold.

For now, their first stop was home and tomorrow they would sight see since Elijah was falling asleep in Leah's arms. The entire plane ride there, Elijah had switched between being in his parents arms until finally being content with settling in Leah's arms.

Karina felt her chest ache when they arrived at her family home, the mansion was a painful reminder of her father but also a good one, but she still held Jasper's hand tightly as she unlocked the door and let them all inside.

The place was still kept clean, and she knew that it was Nathaniel's doing and made a mental note to thank him later for it.

"Wow, it's a castle." Elijah sleepily awed as he looked around the main entrance.

Karina laughed and nodded her head, "And that makes you the prince." She poked his nose gently and he giggled.

"Does that mean Leah's my princess?" He asked while looking at Leah and Karina could hear the excitement in his voice.

Leah laughed, a small blush coating her cheeks, and Karina smiled at him. "I don't know bub, why don't we find out tomorrow in the morning."

"Okay." Elijah told her and Karina finally looked around.

Hanging on the wall, on the right wall, was a large family photo. Karina can remember when her father made her and her mom sit down to have it painted, Karina's five-year-old self didn't have the best attention span and she remembered how much she kept whining that she was tired of sitting there.

The hand painted portrait was done professionally and looking at it now, Karina couldn't help but feel bittersweet about it.

She felt her eyes burn with tears that could never be shed and she cleared her throat, "So, let me show you around."

After a quick tour of the large mansion, Karina and Jasper laid in their designated room together with Karina's head on his chest while he ran his hands through her hair softly.

"You miss him." Jasper noted as Karina scooted closer to him. "I'm sorry."

Karina smiled and shook her head softly. "I do miss him but I'm happy right now. I don't want to think about the bad, I'll just remember the good because my dad was a great man."

Jasper smiled and kissed her forehead, "That's my girl."

"Always." Karina promised.

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