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chapter fifty-five.

Karina and Jasper walked inside the Cullen's house with Elijah in their arms after having spent the morning with her family. They were all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Bella and Rosalie along with Emmett had gone to fetch the couple.

"I have a surprise for you!" Alice chirped as soon as they closed the door behind them.

Karina adjusted Elijah on her hip and raised an eyebrow at Alice. "A surprise?"

Alice nodded and smiled widely, "It's an engagement present which reminds me, we need to get to planning." Alice told her and Karina laughed.

"Focus Alice." Karina reminded her and Alice nodded her head. "What's this gift?"

"Well Edward and Bella have one in the works but that's because it's also a late birthday present." Alice explained and Karina nodded her head. "But your engagement gift is complete, and I think you'll love it."

Karina looked at Jasper worriedly and the male just chuckled and kissed her temple. "Humor her." Alice playfully scoffed before gesturing them to follow her.

Alice lead the couple out the back door and towards the forest. Karina tightened her hold on Elijah out of slight suspicion but when Jasper squeezed her hip gently, she knew that she didn't have anything to worry about.

As soon as they entered the forest, Karina noticed the rock pathway. She raised an eyebrow at the back of Alice's head, but the girl didn't notice as she was busy leading the way. As they reached a small clearing, obviously cleared by them, Karina's eyes widened at the sight of a house.

The pathway lead all the way up to the house and Karina was in love with everything about it. She loved the rock walls that complimented the house greatly and if she could, she would cry.

"Oh my god." She breathed and looked to Jasper to see that he was just as shocked. "Alice."

The pixie-cut girl grinned, happy that Karina liked it. "Esme designed it since she's good with that kind of stuff and I helped pick out the furniture."

Karina gave Alice a wide smile before handing Elijah to Jasper so that she could hug the girl. "I love it!"

"Good, now go look at it and Edward should be home with Bella in about 15 minutes." Alice told her and Karina immediate pulled Jasper and her son to their new house.

The small family of three followed the pathway up to the house and Karina noticed how her Pontiac was already parked neatly on the driveway. Karina figured that there was a dirt road they had to take in order to get it there, which was cringe worthy since her baby wasn't an off-road type of car.

They entered the house and Karina loved the simpleness of it all, but it still screamed that they had enough money to splurge on themselves. The hardwood floors clicked underneath Karina's heeled boots as they walked down a small hallway where there was two bedrooms. There was a stairway that lead to the third floor, but they decided to look at that later.

They opened the room on the right first and Karina gasped at the sight of what appeared to be Elijah's room.

The walls were painted a dark gray with white clouds painted on them, there was a large gray stuffed bunny on the floor which made Karina laugh since Elijah had a favorite white bunny that he could never sleep without.

His bed was already positioned on the floor with a house frame around it with stars dangling from the side of it. There was already some pillows in the room, as well as a dresser for his clothes, a small closet that was already full of clothes for him, and anything else he would need.

Going across the hall, it was another bedroom which Karina and Jasper already knew they would be sleeping in because while they saw the bedroom downstairs, there was no way they would let Elijah sleep on the first floor alone.

After looking at everything, Karina and Jasper went back when they heard Edward and Rosalie's car arrive.

"Esme, you're an angel." Karina complimented the woman as they entered the house first.

Esme smiled at Karina, "I'm glad you like it."

"I love it." Karina told her before pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you."

Then Karina heard Bella's heartbeat, she turned around to see Bella clinging to Rosalie's side as Edward glared at the blonde. Bella's eyes landed on Karina and her eyes flooded with relief.

"You've done it again Tinkerbella." Karina tsked before pulling the girl into a hug.

"You're not pregnant anymore?" Bella asked her while looking at Karina's slim figure. "You're still very tan and your eyes aren't red."

Karina bit her lip, "I don't understand that either, but we think it's the Quileute blood in me since Javier is also still tan." Karina explained and Bella nodded her head. "As for the eyes, if you look closer, you can see the hints of red in them but that's about it."

"And the baby?" Bella asked her softly.

"Right here." Jasper spoke up as he walked over with Elijah on his hip.

Bella gasped as she took in the child, he was already so big. "We've only been gone two weeks, when did you give birth and why is he so big?"

Karina shrugged and watched as Bella held Elijah in her arms. "In the span of a week after I gave birth, he keeps growing."

"And you're not worried?" Edward spoke up and Karina stilled slightly.

"Of course, I am." She told him, making sure not to snap. "But what can I do?"

Jasper pulled Karina to his side and kissed the top of her head. "Breathe."

Karina sighed and did just as Jasper instructed before smiling when Elijah seemed to like Bella. "He likes you."

Bella laughed, "More competition for Edward?" She joked and everyone laughed at that.

"Bella, I'd like to run some tests on you, if that's alright." Carlisle spoke up, instantly shattering the lightened mood and making Bella panic.

Sensing her panicking state, Elijah instantly sent of calming waves towards her, and Karina smiled when Bella looked to Jasper accusingly.

"It wasn't Jasper." Karina laughed and Bella looked at Elijah. "He has Jasper's ability and my telekinesis." Karina explained while taking Elijah from her. "Now, daddy's going to feed you and I'm going with Aunty Bella." Karina told him and Elijah giggled in response before reaching for his father.

Karina gave Jasper a swift kiss before wrapping an arm around Bella and leading her to the room where Carlisle still had it set up from when she had given birth. He had yet to take it apart, but it was good thing that he didn't, because now Bella was pregnant.

"How are you doing so well around Bella?" Edward asked her as Bella sat on the chair.

Karina shrugged, "I don't care for blood. I think my body understands that I would rather die than hurt someone so when it comes to smelling human blood, it makes my stomach turn. Animal blood is fine though, and I guess, the same goes with Elijah."

"No more human blood?" Carlisle questioned as he reentered the room with everything he needed. "Already?"

Karina nodded and smiled softly, "I think it's because he sees that I don't drink it anymore so now he's copying me. He seems to really enjoy mountain lions, just like me." Karina laughed.

Edward was still apprehensive when it came to Elijah, but Karina knew that Edward would understand eventually since he's about to have a child of his own. She didn't hold his feelings against him, she knew that he didn't understand but hoped that soon he would because if he kept this up then she wouldn't hesitate to beat his ass like she's been dying to.

As Carlisle did tests on Bella, Karina held her hand the entire time as Edward just seemed to glare at the sight of Bella's stomach.

Karina could only pray that Bella had what it took to get out of this alive.

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