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chapter forty-six.

The month of June was coming to an end and Karina was entering her first month mark of pregnancy.

She kept track of everything.

In May, her and Jasper had slept together for the first time and there were several times after that. It was only after all of that, before the approaching battle, that Karina started craving sweets and whatnot.

Now it was about to be July and Karina saw a definite growth in her stomach. Huilen said that it was happening much fast than Pire's birth and that worried Karina, but she assumed that it was her soulmate bond with Jasper that was making her baby grow faster.

"Karina." Nahuel's voice pulled Karina's from her thoughts. "Huilen says that you cannot stomach anything."

Karina hummed and continued gazing out into the forest. "The baby doesn't seem to like it so much."

Nahuel smiled at her. "What would it like then?"

Karina shrugged her shoulders, "I honestly don't know but he appears to like sweets so I'm thinking of baking."

"Baking could be fun." He nodded and Karina turned her head to look at him.

He looked different, while he was no longer in his traditional wear, Karina could see that he was still getting used to this new attire that Huilen and Karina had bought for him. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a black top, Karina cursed whoever created vampires for making them all attractive.

"How are you liking your clothes?" She asked him while taking his outstretched hand.

He lifted her up gently and with ease, "Huilen says I only need to wear them when we travel into town, but you seem to wear them all the time."

Karina laughed and nodded her head, while placing a hand on her stomach. "I was raised into it. I'm used to it. You need not to force yourself for me." She reassured him and he shrugged.

"It's different." Was all he told her, and Karina nodded her head.

Huilen was currently hunting for her and Nahuel, so that gave time for Karina to get to know him better.

"What do you think it is?" He suddenly asked as Karina was grabbing out the things needed to make cupcakes. "You say he as if you know."

Karina paused for a moment before placing the box of cake mix on the counter. "My mother is Filipino and there are a lot of superstitions when it comes to this." She told him while grabbing the ingredients that she needed. "Like I don't wear my necklaces anymore because my mother told me that her mother told her that it would prevent the umbilical cord from coiling around the child's neck."

Nahuel looked intrigued by this, "Really?"

Karina nodded her head with a laugh, "They say if you experience skin darkening and pimple outbreaks then you're having a boy, but if you look pretty and fresh then you'll have a girl." She told him.

"You are indeed pretty and fresh." He complimented her and Karina felt her cheeks heat up. "But you also have breakouts." He noted while looking at her more closely. "Maybe you will have twins."

Karina laughed and shook her head, "Yeah no thank you."

"Why not?" He asked her while helping her make the cupcake mix.

Karina shrugged her shoulders, "I don't have the twin gene in my family, or maybe I do and you're right. Still, I don't know if I could handle twins."

He nodded his head, "Makes sense."

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